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[英]Rezise an image before uploading it with django

I would like to resize an image before uploading to reduce it weight. 我想在上传之前调整图像大小以减轻其重量。

I use python 3.3 and django 1.5. 我使用python 3.3和django 1.5。

I read about io.StringIO : I don't understand the answer of this post : Django resize image during upload I don't understand io.StringIO even with those explaination ... 我读到有关io.StringIO的信息:我不明白这篇文章的答案: 在上传过程中Django调整图像大小我什至不理解io.StringIO的解释 ...

I read about ajax too... 我也读过有关Ajax的文章...

I was trying to do that : 我正在尝试这样做:

image_field = form.cleaned_data.get('<myImageField>')
image_file = StringIO(image_field.read())
image = Image.open(image_file)
w, h = image.size
image = image.resize((w / 2, h / 2), Image.ANTIALIAS)
image_file = io.StringIO()
image.save(image_file, 'JPEG', quality=90)
image_field.file = image_file 

I have this error : 我有这个错误:

TypeError at TypeError在

Can't convert 'InMemoryUploadedFile' object to str implicitly 无法将'InMemoryUploadedFile'对象隐式转换为str

Someone has a clue or a precise exemple to give me ? 有人有线索或确切的例证要给我吗?

If you are using Django Rest Framework with python 3.x, this might of use: 如果您将Django Rest Framework与python 3.x一起使用,则可能会使用:

First define function to compress and resize image 首先定义函数来压缩和调整图像大小

def compress_image(photo):
# start compressing image
image_temporary = Image.open(photo)
output_io_stream = BytesIO()
# set here resize
image_temporary.thumbnail((1250, 1250), Image.ANTIALIAS)

# change orientation if necessary
for orientation in ExifTags.TAGS.keys():
    if ExifTags.TAGS[orientation] == 'Orientation':
exif = dict(image_temporary._getexif().items())
# noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable
if exif.get(orientation) == 3:
    image_temporary = image_temporary.rotate(180, expand=True)
elif exif.get(orientation) == 6:
    image_temporary = image_temporary.rotate(270, expand=True)
elif exif.get(orientation) == 8:
    image_temporary = image_temporary.rotate(90, expand=True)

# saving output
image_temporary.save(output_io_stream, format='JPEG', quality=75, optimize=True, progressive=True)
photo = InMemoryUploadedFile(output_io_stream, 'ImageField', "%s.jpg" % photo.name.split('.')[0],
                             'image/jpeg', getsizeof(output_io_stream), None)
return photo

Second, now you can use the function in Serializers: 其次,现在您可以在序列化器中使用该功能:

class SomeSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
def update(self, instance, validated_data):
    # сжимаем рисунок
    if 'photo' in validated_data:           
        validated_data.update({'photo': compress_image(validated_data['photo'])})

    return super(SomeSerializer, self).update(instance, validated_data)

def create(self, validated_data):
    # сжимаем рисунок
    if 'photo' in validated_data:
        validated_data.update({'photo': compress_image(validated_data['photo'])})

    return super(SomeSerializer, self).create(validated_data)

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