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[英]How to get all the solutions of topological sorting

Hi everyone I was trying to solve this problem http://uva.onlinejudge.org/index.php?option=onlinejudge&page=show_problem&problem=813 and I realized that it wants to get all the solutions of topological sorting problem, I know how to get only one possible solution and this is my code http://ideone.com/IiQxiu大家好,我正在尝试解决这个问题http://uva.onlinejudge.org/index.php?option=onlinejudge&page=show_problem&problem=813并且我意识到它想要获得拓扑排序问题的所有解决方案,我知道如何只得到一种可能的解决方案,这是我的代码http://ideone.com/IiQxiu

static ArrayList<Integer> [] arr;  
static int visited [];
static Stack<Integer> a = new Stack<Integer>();
static boolean flag=false;

public static void graphcheck(int node){  //method to check if there is a cycle in the graph
    visited[node] = 2;
    for(int i=0;i<arr[node].size();i++){
        int u =arr[node].get(i);
        }else if(visited[u]==2){
    visited[node] = 1;

public static void dfs2(int node){            //method to get one possible topological sort which I want to extend to get all posibilites
    visited[node] = 1;
    for(int i=0;i<arr[node].size();i++){
        int u =arr[node].get(i);

public static void main(String[] args) throws NumberFormatException, IOException {
    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
    int tc = Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());
    for(int k=0;k<tc;k++){

        String h[]= br.readLine().split(" ");
        int n= h.length;
        arr=new ArrayList[n];
        visited = new int[n];
        for( int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            arr[ i] = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        String q[]=br.readLine().split(" ");
        int y=q.length;
        for(int i=0;i<y;i++){
            int x=0;
            int z=0;
            for(int j=0;j<n;j++){
                }else if(q[i].charAt(2)==h[j].charAt(0)){
        for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
        Arrays.fill(visited, 0);
        for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
        int z= a.size();
        for(int i=0;i<z;i++){
            int x =a.pop();
            System.out.print(h[x]+" ");


A potential way would be to modify the algorithm specified by Khan, (1962) , in which a topological sort is calculated using the following algorithm:一种可能的方法是修改Khan, (1962)指定的算法,其中使用以下算法计算拓扑排序:

L ← Empty list that will contain the sorted elements
S ← Set of all nodes with no incoming edges

while S is non-empty do
    remove a node n from S
    insert n into L

    for each node m with an edge e from n to m do
        remove edge e from the graph
        if m has no other incoming edges then
            insert m into S

    if graph has edges then
        return error (graph has at least one cycle)
        return L (a topologically sorted order)

This calculates one topological sort, in order to generate all possible sorts.这将计算一种拓扑排序,以生成所有可能的排序。 To get all possible sorts, you could think of the result as a tree, where the root is the first node, and each child of a node is one of the next values.要获得所有可能的排序,您可以将结果视为一棵树,其中根是第一个节点,节点的每个子节点是下一个值之一。 Given a graph:给定一个图:

    1 -> 3 -> 8 
    |    |    |
    |    v    |
    |    7    |
    |     \   |
    |      \_ v
    +--> 5 -> 9

The tree might look like:这棵树可能看起来像:

       / \
      3   5
     /|\  |
    7 8 9 9
    | |
    9 9

However, after re-reading your problem:但是,在重新阅读您的问题后:

Given a list of variable constraints of the form A < B, you are to write a program that prints all orderings of the variables that are consistent with the constraints.给定 A < B 形式的变量约束列表,您将编写一个程序,打印与约束一致的变量的所有排序。 For example, given the contraints A < B and A < C there are two orderings of the variables A, B and C that are consistent with these constraints: ABC and ACB.例如,给定约束 A < B 和 A < C,变量 A、B 和 C 的两个排序与这些约束一致:ABC 和 ACB。

I don't believe this solution will provide you with the answers you are looking for, but you are more than welcome to try and implement it.我不相信这个解决方案会为您提供您正在寻找的答案,但我们非常欢迎您尝试并实施它。

Also check out this algorithm .另请查看 此算法


I was going to refrain from posting this after re-reading your problem, however I decided against it, as this information may be useful to you.在重新阅读您的问题后,我打算避免发布此信息,但我决定反对,因为这些信息可能对您有用。

Good luck.祝你好运。

Adding a solution for future viewers:为未来的观众添加解决方案:

To print all solutions of topological sort, we follow the following approach:要打印拓扑排序的所有解决方案,我们遵循以下方法:

  1. Initialize all vertices as unmarked.将所有顶点初始化为未标记。

  2. Now choose vertex which is unmarked and has zero indegree and decrease indegree of all those vertices by 1 (corresponding to removing edges).现在选择未标记且入度为零的顶点,并将所有这些顶点的入度减少 1(对应于去除边)。

  3. Now add this vertex to list and call the recursive function again and backtrack.现在将此顶点添加到列表并再次调用递归函数并回溯。

  4. After returning from function reset values of marked, list and indegree for enumeration of other possibilities.从函数返回后,重置标记、列表和入度的值以枚举其他可能性。

Code below --代码如下——

class GraphAllTopSorts{
    int V;  // No. of vertices
    LinkedList<Integer>[] adj;  //Adjacency List
    boolean[] marked;   //Boolean array to store the visited nodes
    List<Integer> list;
    int[] indegree; //integer array to store the indegree of nodes

    public GraphAllTopSorts(int v) {
        this.adj = new LinkedList[v];
        for (int i=0;i<v;i++) {
            adj[i] = new LinkedList<Integer>();
        this.indegree = new int[v];
        this.marked = new boolean[v];
        list = new ArrayList<Integer>();

    // function to add an edge to graph
    public void addEdge(int v, int w){
        // increasing inner degree of w by 1

    // Main recursive function to print all possible topological sorts
    public void alltopologicalSorts() {
        // To indicate whether all topological are found or not
        boolean flag = false;

        for (int w=0;w<V;w++) {

            // If indegree is 0 and not yet visited then
            // only choose that vertex
            if (!marked[w] && indegree[w]==0) {
                marked[w] = true;
                Iterator<Integer> iter = adj[w].listIterator();
                while(iter.hasNext()) {
                    int k = iter.next();

                // including in list

                // resetting marked, list and indegree for backtracking
                marked[w] = false;
                iter = adj[w].listIterator();
                while(iter.hasNext()) {
                    int k = iter.next();

                flag = true;

        // We reach here if all vertices are visited.
        // So we print the solution here
        if (!flag) {
            for (int w=0;w<V;w++) {
                System.out.print(list.get(w) + " ");

    // Driver program to test above functions
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create a graph given in the above diagram
        GraphAllTopSorts g = new GraphAllTopSorts(6);
        g.addEdge(5, 2);
        g.addEdge(5, 0);
        g.addEdge(4, 0);
        g.addEdge(4, 1);
        g.addEdge(2, 3);
        g.addEdge(3, 1);

        System.out.println("All Topological sorts");


Source: http://www.geeksforgeeks.org/all-topological-sorts-of-a-directed-acyclic-graph/资料来源: http : //www.geeksforgeeks.org/all-topological-sorts-of-a-directed-acyclic-graph/

Here is the only non-recursion working piece of code I had to construct based on the other algorithms as recursion is really a bad solution when dealing with graph algorithms even if its natural.这是我必须基于其他算法构建的唯一非递归工作代码,因为递归在处理图算法时确实是一个糟糕的解决方案,即使它是自然的。 Instead we can just keep an unvisited set at each level of the topological sort and backtrack without even an extra stack and only this data structure.相反,我们可以在拓扑排序和回溯的每个级别保留一个未访问的集合,甚至不需要额外的堆栈,只有这个数据结构。 The time complexity is essentially identical to the recursive versions eg worst case O((m+n)*n!).时间复杂度与递归版本基本相同,例如最坏情况 O((m+n)*n!)。 Of course permuting all $n!$ permutations of set {1..n} and calling a simple O(m+n) is_topological_sort function will be slower on average case and could not be used to solve a sufficiently large challenge problem.当然,排列 {1..n} 的所有 $n!$ 排列并调用简单的 O(m+n) is_topological_sort函数在平均情况下会更慢,并且不能用于解决足够大的挑战问题。

def topo_khan_enum(g): #O((m+n)*n!)
  topo, S, k = [], set(), 0
  inc = {u: 0 for u in g}
  for u in g:
    for v in g[u]: inc[v] += 1
  for u in g:
    if inc[u] == 0: S.add(u)
  unprocessed = {0: set(S)}
  while len(unprocessed[k]) != 0:
    while len(S) != 0:
      u = unprocessed[k].pop(); S.remove(u); k += 1
      for v in g[u]:
        inc[v] -= 1
        if inc[v] == 0: S.add(v)
      unprocessed[k] = set(S)
    if k < len(g): raise ValueError
    yield list(topo)
    while True:
      u = topo.pop(); k -= 1
      for v in g[u]:
        if inc[v] == 0: S.remove(v)
        inc[v] += 1
      if k == 0 or len(unprocessed[k]) != 0: break
  return ()

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