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[英]How to input values to HashMap in bean using Primefaces?

I have a page where I have to associate two fields using key-value pair and save. 我有一个页面,我必须在其中使用键值对关联两个字段并保存。 For example, I have a number of participant s who has price s. 例如,我有许多price为的participant If I use two p:inputText fields to enter their values, how should the backing bean look like? 如果我使用两个p:inputText字段输入它们的值,那么后备bean应该是什么样?

Also, I want to display the number of such pairs of p:inputText fields according to the number of participants I enter. 另外,我想根据我输入的参与者数量来显示p:inputText字段对的数量。 I have a similar question answered here How to insert a primefaces input text dynamically? 我在这里回答了类似的问题如何动态插入素数输入文本? . But I want to be able to submit the values to a key-value pair. 但我希望能够将值提交给键值对。

In EL, you can treat maps exactly the same way as entity/model beans. 在EL中,可以将映射与实体/模型Bean完全一样地对待。

<h:inputText value="#{bean.map.key1}" />
<h:inputText value="#{bean.map.key2}" />
<h:inputText value="#{bean.map.key3}" />

This example will put the input values under map keys key1 , key2 and key3 . 本示例将输入值放在映射键key1key2key3

Note: make sure that the map isn't null . 注意:确保地图不为null Like as with normal entity/model beans, JSF/EL won't precreate it for you. 与普通实体/模型Bean一样,JSF / EL不会为您预先创建它。 Do it in the @PostConstruct yourself. 自己在@PostConstruct

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