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如何在Angular JS的控制器中访问JSON的子元素

[英]how do I access child elements of JSON in the controller in Angular JS

I don't understand how to wait for the resource call to finish before assigning the data.properties to $scope in my controller. 我不明白如何在我的控制器中将data.properties分配给$ scope之前等待资源调用完成。

here is my confusion: 这是我的困惑:

i have a resource call that returns this: 我有一个资源调用,返回此信息:

    "PreAlertInventory": "5.000000",
    "SharesInInventory": "3.000000",
    "TotalSharesSold": "2.000000",
    "TotalMoneySharesSold": "18.000000",
    "TotalSharesBought": "0.000000",
    "TotalShareCost": "0.000000",
    "EstimatedLosses": "0.000000"

here is the applicable code from the controller: 这是来自控制器的适用代码:

$scope.alertSwap = function () {

  var data = Data.query(); // gets the data. works as expected

  //$scope.test = data; //works as expected. can access data and properties in template
  $scope.test = data.TotalMoneySharesSold; //does not work. is empty???

i can access the array and its properties from the template BUT not from inside the controller. 我可以从模板BUT访问数组及其属性,而不是从控制器内部访问。

How do I access the child elements from inside the controller that called the resource? 如何从调用资源的控制器内部访问子元素?

http://plnkr.co/edit/JnLqq4v7lKlYOHg85Jma?p=preview http://plnkr.co/edit/JnLqq4v7lKlYOHg85Jma?p=preview

answer: thanks to all who helped: 回答:感谢所有帮助过的人:

I needed to assign a callback to the resource call, and assign the elements from within the function: 我需要为资源调用分配一个回调,并从函数中分配元素:

$scope.data = Data.query(myParams, function(data) {
  $scope.test = data[0].TotalSharesBought;

Your data would appear to be returned as an array, try $scope.testTwo = data[0].TotalSharesBought . 您的数据似乎将作为数组返回,请尝试$scope.testTwo = data[0].TotalSharesBought

I've updated your Plunkr accordingly. 我相应地更新了你的Plunkr

As said above it is likely you are fetching those data async. 如上所述,您可能正在获取这些数据异步。 I updated your code to support promise (which makes your code async and may not fit with the rest of the application by the way). 我更新了您的代码以支持promise(这会使您的代码异步,并且可能不适合应用程序的其余部分)。

$timeout simulates an async call. $timeout模拟异步调用。 In your factory service : 在您的factory service

var deferred = $q.defer();
$timeout(function() {
    return deferred.resolve(data);
}, 100); // set it to zero to return immediately
return deferred.promise;

In your controller call you factory factory method query() and hook the response with then , which is the promise part of the snippet: 在您的controller调用工厂工厂方法query()并使用then挂钩响应,这是片段的promise部分:

Data.query().then(function(response) {
  $scope.test = response[0].TotalMoneySharesSold;

http://plnkr.co/edit/SGGCVS?p=preview http://plnkr.co/edit/SGGCVS?p=preview

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