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[英]Live preview inside iFrame and saving style.css every 30 seconds

I am making a website where you type in CSS and there is a preview (preview.php) - which is shown inside an iFrame - which has set text. 我正在制作一个网站,您可以在其中键入CSS,并且有一个预览(preview.php)-在iFrame中显示-已设置文本。 I would like preview.php to update live to when you type CSS into the css file (relative to preview.php: designname/css/style.css ), and to save the edited CSS file every 30 seconds. 当您在CSS文件中键入CSS时,我希望Preview.php能够实时更新(相对于Preview.php: designname/css/style.css ),并且每30秒保存一次已编辑的CSS文件。


How should I edit the text in the style tag instead of a file, and uploading the text that you type into an actual file ( title_of_design/css/style.css ), and uploading any images (when you enter in that you need them in an Image Field) to the directory title_of_design/image.php?i=image+name or title_of_design/images/image_name.png ? 我应该如何编辑style标签中的文本而不是文件,以及如何将键入的文本上载到实际文件( title_of_design/css/style.css )中,并上载任何图像(当您输入需要的图像时)图片字段)到目录title_of_design/image.php?i=image+nametitle_of_design/images/image_name.png


<textarea id="style" placeholder="Enter CSS here!"></textarea>
<iframe id="preview" src="preview.php"></iframe>

Javascript: Javascript:

// Automatic update
$("#style").keyup(function() {
    var txt = $(this).val();
    $("#preview").attr("src", "preview.php?code=" + encodeURIComponent(txt));

// Auto-save
setInterval(function() {
    $.post("save.php", {"code": $("#style").val() }, function() {
        alert("Successfully saved!");
}, 30 * 1000);

This example assumes you are using jQuery 本示例假设您使用的是jQuery


In your preview.php file, inside the <head> tag, place the following code: 在您的preview.php文件的<head>标记内,放置以下代码:

<style><?php echo htmlentities($_GET['code']); ?></style>

In your save.php file, place the following code: 在您的save.php文件中,放置以下代码:

$code = $_POST['code'];

file_put_contents("title_of_design/css/style.css", $code);

Images: 图片:

Images are more complicated, but I recommend you take a look at the W3Schools PHP file upload tutorial . 图像更为复杂,但是我建议您看一下W3Schools PHP文件上传教程

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