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[英]Create a div inside div with same class name

I have the following structure of my HTML code: 我有以下HTML代码结构:

<div id="bb-bookblock" class="bb-bookblock">
    <div class="bb-item">
        <div class="bb-custom-side">
        <div class="bb-custom-side">
            <button id="add">Click Here to add The page</button>    
    <div class="bb-item">
        <div class="bb-custom-side">
            <p>This is first page</p>
        <div class="bb-custom-side">
    <div class="bb-item">
        <div class="bb-custom-side">
            <p>This is second Page</p>
        <div class="bb-custom-side">
            <p>This is last page</p>

When I click on button with id=add I want to create the a new div after the last bb-item div with same two div inside it having class name bb-custom-side . 当我点击id=add按钮时,我想在最后一个bb-item div之后创建一个新的div,其中有两个div,里面有类名bb-custom-side
I know how to create the div using createElement and it a class, but I don't know how to create the sub div inside that newly created div. 我知道如何使用createElement创建div并且它是一个类,但我不知道如何在新创建的div中创建sub div。 Can I associate with the last child or similar concept? 我可以与最后一个孩子或类似的概念联系起来吗?

So after click event I want my HTML to be something like this: 所以在点击事件之后我希望我的HTML是这样的:

<div id="bb-bookblock" class="bb-bookblock">
    <div class="bb-item">
        <div class="bb-custom-side">
        <div class="bb-custom-side">
            <button id="add">Click Here to add The page</button>    
    <div class="bb-item">
        <div class="bb-custom-side">
            <p>This is first page</p>
        <div class="bb-custom-side">
    <div class="bb-item">
        <div class="bb-custom-side">
            <p>This is second Page</p>
        <div class="bb-custom-side">
            <p>This is last page</p>
    <--Newly created div-->
    <div class="bb-item">
        <div class="bb-custom-side">
            new div
        <div class="bb-custom-side">
            new div 2

Use clone() to create copy of div elements and append it to main div: 使用clone()创建div元素的副本并将其附加到主div:

    var clonedDiv = $(".bb-item:last").clone();
    clonedDiv = clonedDiv.find("div.bb-custom-side p").text("This is third Page");


NOTE: I just updated text for last div (This is third Page). 注意:我刚刚更新了最后一个div的文本(这是第三页)。 You have to put it in loop to increase number. 你必须把它放在循环中以增加数量。

Try this. 尝试这个。




Working Demo 工作演示

You can try this. 你可以试试这个。

$(document).ready(function () {
    $("#add").click(function () {
        $("#bb-bookblock").append('<div class="bb-item"><div class="bb-custom-side"> new div</div><div class="bb-custom-side">new div 2</div></div>');


This may not appeal to everyone, but, personally, I tend to like "blank slates" for my cloning. 这可能对每个人都没有吸引力,但就个人而言,我倾向于喜欢克隆的“空白石板”。

If it were me, I would do this: 如果是我,我会这样做:

var $baseItem = $("<div></div>").addClass("bb-item");
var $baseCustomSide = $("<div></div>").addClass("bb-custom-side");

    var $newItem = $baseItem.clone();



Unless there is a really good reason to reuse an existing element, I find you end up having to be a lot more complex to "scrub" the existing content from the clone . 除非有一个非常好的理由重用现有元素,否则我发现你最终要从克隆中“擦除”现有内容要复杂得多。 . . using a blank template always seems more clean to me. 使用空白模板对我来说似乎总是更干净。

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