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[英]RealURL and tt_news multiple Singleviews

I have a typo3 with multiple trees (one per language) under a common root and domain, 我有一个typo3,在共同的根和域下有多棵树(每种语言一棵),

www.example.com (maintemplate)
-en (+ext)
-fr (+ext)
-de (+ext)

the tt_news.SinglePID is configured via constants in the extension templates. tt_news.SinglePID通过扩展模板中的常量进行配置。 My Problem is, that Realurl always uses the SinglePID from the english tree, for example when I click on a german news entry Realurl brings me to the english page and shows the german news. 我的问题是,Realurl始终使用英语树中的SinglePID,例如,当我单击德语新闻条目时,Realurl将我带到英语页面并显示德语新闻。 Any Idea how to fix that? 任何想法如何解决?

Thanks 谢谢


Are you sure it's a RealURL issue? 您确定这是RealURL问题吗? Turn it off via TypoScript setup config.tx_realurl_enable = 0 to see whether it's buggy even without RealURL manipulating your urls or not. 通过TypoScript设置config.tx_realurl_enable = 0将其关闭,即使在没有RealURL操纵您的URL的情况下,也可以查看是否有问题。

Regarding your issue try this in your global TypoScript constants: 关于您的问题,请在全局TypoScript常量中尝试以下操作:

plugin.tt_news.singlePid = x
[PIDinRootline = a]
plugin.tt_news.singlePid = y
[PIDinRootline = b]
plugin.tt_news.singlePid = z

Whereby x is the uid of the english single page, y the german one, z the french one. 其中x是英语单页的uid,y是德语的uid,z是法语的uid。 And a and b the root pages of those trees. a和b这些树的根页。

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