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[英]Error with MySQL syntax in java

PreparedStatement sql1 = connection.prepareStatement("UPDATE `bantable` " +
        "SET reason=?, admin=?, started=?, time=?, ends=?, banned=?, datetimes=? " +
        "WHERE DATE_SUB(`datetimes`, NOW())<=0 AND player=?;");
com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: You have an error in
    your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server
    version for the right syntax to use near 'NOW())<=0 AND player='Juustoast''
    at line 1

Why does it print that error? 为什么会显示该错误?

NOW() is just a datetime, so if datetimes also is you can just compare them using normal operators NOW()只是一个日期时间,因此,如果datetimes也是,则可以使用常规运算符进行比较

WHERE datetimes < NOW()

If datetimes is not a datetime , date , or timestamp you will have to convert it. 如果datetimes 不是 datetimedatetimestamp ,则必须对其进行转换。

NOW() is not a time interval, so you couldn't apply DATE_SUB to it. NOW()不是时间间隔,因此您无法对其应用DATE_SUB Use solution proposed in the another answer . 使用另一个答案中提出的解决方案。

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