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就数据存储写入而言,更快,更便宜的是什么? 将数据存储在ndb.StructuredProperty中或作为子实体单独存储

[英]What's faster and less expensive in terms of datastore writes? Storing data in ndb.StructuredProperty or storing separately as child entities

I am currently storing data in my appengine ndb datastore using this model 我目前正在使用此模型将数据存储在我的appengine ndb数据存储区中

class BundleModel (ndb.Model):

ProductModel is as follows: ProductModel如下:

class ProductModel(ndb.Model):

I only put BundleModel in the datastore and the ProductModel entities are embedded in each entity as a list. 我只将BundleModel放在数据存储区中,并且ProductModel实体作为列表嵌入在每个实体中。

I am wondering if this is an expensive and slow method to store the data. 我想知道这是否是一种昂贵且缓慢的数据存储方法。 Would it be better to store each ProductModel as a child entity, with a BundleModel as the parent? 将每个ProductModel存储为一个子实体,以BundleModel作为父实体,会更好吗?

In this case, each request for BundleModel would translate into multiple requests for ProductModels. 在这种情况下,对BundleModel的每个请求都将转换为对ProductModels的多个请求。 So is the trade-off, one request for a large chunk of data versus multiple requests (about ten or so) for small chunks of data? 那么,要权衡一下,一个请求大数据块而不是多个请求(大约十个左右)吗? In terms of writing data, I would then write small chunks separately instead of modifying one big chunk. 在写数据方面,我将分别写小块,而不是修改一个大块。

What are the ramifications of such a change in terms of cost, speed, and any other parameters? 这种变化在成本,速度和任何其他参数方面的后果是什么?

Thanks! 谢谢!

No, using structured property will be faster and cheaper then using a separate child entities. 不,与使用单独的子实体相比,使用结构化属性会更快,更便宜。

The way structured property works is by flattening the structure and automagically creating new properties in the entity for each property in the structure. 结构化属性的工作方式是通过展平结构并为该结构中的每个属性自动在实体中创建新属性。 In your case your BundleModel entity would get autogenerated properties: product_vals.p_created , product_vals.p_updated , etc.. 在您的情况下,您的BundleModel实体将获得自动生成的属性: product_vals.p_createdproduct_vals.p_updated等。

Structured property is better as it only stores one entity, instead of two or more (parent+child). 结构化属性更好,因为它仅存储一个实体,而不是两个或多个(父代+子代)。 This makes it faster and cheaper. 这使得它更快,更便宜。 Note that there is no cost per entity size when accessing it. 请注意,访问实体时,每个实体大小都没有成本。

Note on limitations: 限制说明:

  1. Limit on index size: a repeated structured property will expand into multiple list properties. 限制索引大小:重复的结构化属性将扩展为多个列表属性。 This in turn will create two index entries for each value. 反过来,这将为每个值创建两个索引条目。 One entity can in total have max 5000 index entries which translates to max 2500 property values inside one entity. 一个实体总共最多可具有5000个索引条目,这将转换为一个实体内部的最大2500个属性值。
  2. Size: entity can be max 1Mb in size. 大小:实体的最大大小为1Mb。

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