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[英]Linq to XML Converter

Can somebody please help with the below place (where I am struggling to form the query) 有人可以在以下地方提供帮助吗(我正在努力形成查询)


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<response id="1545346343">
 <date>2013-10-01 12:01:55.532999</date>
 <message>Market is open</message>


public class MarketClockResponse
    public Response response { get; set; }
public class Response
    public string Id { get; set; }
    public string date { get; set; }
    public Status status { get; set; }
    public string message { get; set; }
public class Status
    public string current { get; set; }
    public string change_at { get; set; }

My solution: 我的解决方案:

public void example3()
    var xElem = XElement.Load("test.xml");

    var myobject = xElem.Descendants("response").Select(
        x => new MarketClockResponse
              //Struggling to proceed from here  

You are trying to select response elements from response element (which is root of your xml). 您试图从response元素(它是xml的根)中选择response元素。 Use this element directly instead: 直接使用此元素:

var responseElement = XElement.Load(path_to_xml);
var statusElement = responseElement.Element("status");
var myobject = new MarketClockResponse
    response = new Response
        Id = (string)responseElement.Attribute("id"),
        date = (string)responseElement.Element("date"),
        message = (string)responseElement.Element("message"),
        status = new Status
            current = (string)statusElement.Element("current"),
            change_at = (string)statusElement.Element("change_at")
var myobject = xElem.Descendants("response").Select(
        x => new MarketClockResponse
              response = new Response
                Id = x.Attribute("id").Value,
                //populate all the attributes

First of all, I would use XDocument.Load instead of XElement.Load , because your XML is a document, with declaration, etc. 首先,我将使用XDocument.Load而不是XElement.Load ,因为您的XML是带有声明等的文档。

var xDoc = XDocument.Load("Input.txt");

Then, I'd set two local variables to avoid querying for the same thing more than once: 然后,我将设置两个局部变量以避免对同一事物进行多次查询:

var resp = xDoc.Root;
var status = resp.Element("status");

And use them to get what you need: 并使用它们来获取所需的内容:

var myobject = new MarketClockResponse
    response = new Response
        Id = (string)resp.Attribute("id"),
        date = (string)resp.Element("date"),
        message = (string)resp.Element("message"),
        status = new Status
            current = (string)status.Element("current"),
            change_at = (string)status.Element("change_at")

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