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[英]Client side send value to node.js and set as cookie

I'm using 我正在使用

   maxAge: 30 * 1000,
   reapInterval: 20 * 1000,
   authentication: require('./libs/authentication/' + AUTH_LIBRARY)

to authenticate the user(cookie based) in my node.js/express.js. 在我的node.js / express.js中验证用户(基于cookie)。 Now my problem is I need my client side(a PHP + javascript) server send a cookie value to the node server via GET(jsonp) so I can authenticate the user. 现在我的问题是我需要我的客户端(PHP + javascript)服务器通过GET(jsonp)将cookie值发送到节点服务器,以便对用户进行身份验证。 But If I do: 但是如果我这样做:

app.get('/cookie', function(){//set cookie here});

it won't work because the auth code in the middleware fires before they even call the action. 它不起作用,因为中间件中的auth代码甚至在调用操作之前就已触发。 What should I do so I can send a cookie(or any string) to the node.js server before the middleware fires? 我应该怎么做才能在中间件启动之前将cookie(或任何字符串)发送到node.js服务器? If that's not possible, is there any alternative way I can use so I can let the node.js server get the user's userid? 如果那是不可能的,那么我是否可以使用其他方法来让node.js服务器获取用户的用户ID?

Thank you. 谢谢。

To intercept the request, before your '.middleware/im' can get to it, you need to create your own middlware, which is surprisingly simple (the following goes before your call to app.use(require('./middleware/im')({ ... ): 要拦截请求,您的'.middleware/im'才能到达它,您需要创建自己的Middlware,这非常简单(在调用app.use(require('./middleware/im')({ ... ):

function cookieDetect (request, response, next) {
    if (request.url === "/cookie") {
        // do your stuff here
    } else {
        next(); // keep the middleware chain going

Btw, as a JavaScript syntactical note, when you use function declarations (different than var myFunc = function () { ... ), "scope hoisting" happens: that particular function declaration is available at the very beginning of that scope-level's execution, instead of from where it appears in the code. 顺便说一句,作为JavaScript的语法注释,当您使用函数声明(不同于var myFunc = function () { ... )时,会发生“作用域提升”:该特定函数声明在该作用域级别的执行开始时可用,而不是代码中显示的位置。 Which is why I'm able to app.use it before it appears in the code. 这就是为什么我能够在代码中出现它之前对其进行app.use原因。

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