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[英]Graphviz: Distance between edge and by passed nodes with neato

Layout engine is neato . 布局引擎是整齐的 I would like to have some more space between the arrow from a to c and the node b. 我想在从a到c的箭头与节点b之间有更多的空间。 margin and pad don't help with neato. marginpad对neato毫无帮助。 This is my graph: 这是我的图:

digraph G {

  a [pos="0.0,0.0!"];
  b [pos="0.0,1.0!"];
  c [pos="0.0,2.0!"];  

  a -> b;
  a -> c;
  b -> c;


Is that possible? 那可能吗?

Taking your original graph definition, adding a esep=1 attribute to obtain the following: 采用原始图形定义,添加esep=1属性以获得以下内容:

digraph G {
  splines=true; esep=1;

  a [pos="0.0,0.0!"];
  b [pos="0.0,1.0!"];
  c [pos="0.0,2.0!"];  

  a -> b;
  a -> c;
  b -> c;

will output the following with neato : 将与neato输出以下内容:

具有添加的<code> esep </ code>属性的输出

As per the documentation for that attribute: 根据该属性的文档

Margin used around polygons for purposes of spline edge routing. 用于样条线边缘布线的多边形周围的边距。 The interpretation is the same as given for sep. 解释与9月的解释相同。 This should normally be strictly less than sep. 通常应严格小于sep。

假设已经解决了这个问题(或现在不相关!),但是您可以在esep上加上一个负号(即esep = -0.4 ),这会使节点之间的距离更近。

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