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[英]Get Closest Form to an Element in jQuery

I have this js/jquery script i wrote to check all checboxes with in a form. 我有这个js / jquery脚本,我写了一个表格检查所有checboxes。 It works well but this checks all checkboxes that are on page irrespective of the form wrapper they are. 它运行良好,但这会检查页面上的所有复选框,而不管它们是什么样的表单包装器。

here is the function 这是功能

function toggleCheck(state)
{   var checkboxes = jQuery("form input:checkbox");
if(state==true){checkboxes.prop('checked',true); }
if(state==false){ checkboxes.prop('checked',false); }

usage 用法

<a id="check" href="#" onclick="javascript:toggleCheck(true);" class="btn">Select All</a>
<a id="uncheck" href="#" onclick="javascript:toggleCheck(false);" class="btn">Deselect All</a>

Note this works well but my problem is if i have 请注意这很好,但我的问题是,如果我有

 <form action="myaction-page">//some form elements and checkboxes </form>


<form action="myaction-page-2">//some form elements and checkboxes </form>

and i click the check all link in form1, all checkboxes gets check including those in form2. 然后我点击form1中的check all链接,所有复选框都会被检查,包括form2中的那些。

Is there a way to separate them without introducing form ids or names?..this is because i have used it extensively in production code and to rewrite all will be trouble. 有没有办法在不引入表单ID或名称的情况下将它们分开?这是因为我在生产代码中广泛使用它并重写所有都会有麻烦。

Any Help will be greatly appreciated. 任何帮助将不胜感激。

PS it is worth noting that the select all and deselect all are within both forms and both forms are on the same page. PS值得注意的是,select all和deselect all都在两种形式中,两种形式都在同一页面上。

Assuming your select/deselect links are inside the form, do: 假设您的选择/取消选择链接在表单内,请执行以下操作:

function toggleCheck(state,elem) {
    jQuery(elem).closest("form").find("input:checkbox").prop('checked', state);

And change your link JS to (passing the appropriate true/false parameter): 并将您的链接JS更改为(传递适当的true / false参数):


jsFiddle example jsFiddle例子

the .closest method will do what you want. .closest方法会做你想要的。

onclick: 的onclick:


js: JS:

function toggleCheck(state) {   
    var checkboxes = jQuery(this).closest("form").find("input:checkbox");
    checkboxes.prop('checked',state || false);

The answer is: it depends on your DOM. 答案是:它取决于你的DOM。 If your <a> elements are inside the form, you could use $.closest() : 如果<a>元素在表单内,则可以使用$ .closest()

function toggleCheck(state) {
        .prop('checked', state);

I slightly altered your code to increase readability, performance (see the additional notes regarding the :checkbox selector ) and be more "jQuery"-like. 我略微改变了你的代码以提高可读性和性能(参见关于:checkbox选择器的附加说明)并且更像是“jQuery”。

[edit] After reading the comments I rewrote the function, still on the assumption that the <a> elements are inside the <form> , this time also with a working jsFiddle : [edit]阅读完评论之后,我重写了这个函数,仍假设<a>元素在<form> ,这次也是一个有效的jsFiddle

function toggleCheck(state) {
        .prop('checked', state);

[edit2] And for the sake of completness regarding my comment about the order of the elements ( jsFiddle ): [edit2]并且为了完整性,关于我对元素顺序的评论( jsFiddle ):

function toggleCheck(state) {
    var pos = $(document).find(event.target.localName + "." + event.target.className).index(event.target);
    var $form = $($(document).find("form").get(Math.floor(pos/2)));
        .prop('checked', state)

[edit3] The last edit, I promise. [edit3]最后一次编辑,我保证。 This time I ignore the default callback and do my own thing : 这次我忽略了默认的回调并做了我自己的事情

function toggleCheck(state) {
    // either write the s tate now in a variable for
    // the next callback

$(document).on("click", "a.btn", function(e) {
    var $ele = $(this);
    // or do some string exploration
    var toggle = $ele.attr("onclick").indexOf("true") > -1;

    var pos = $(document).find("a.btn").index($ele);
    var $form = $($(document).find("form").get(Math.floor(pos/2)));
        .prop('checked', toggle);

Works without having to touch anything. 无需触摸任何东西即可工作。 But I wouldn't want to use this. 但我不想用这个。 ;-) ;-)

You can also just apply a data-target to your anchors and eval based on the action of your form elements: 您还可以根据表单元素的操作将数据目标应用于锚点和eval:

... data-target='myaction-page' ...

... checkboxes[i].form.getAttribute( 'action' ) ...

Shown in detail on this JSFiddle 在这个JSFiddle上详细显示

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