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在文件流中打开简单函数C ++

[英]Opening a simple function in a file stream c++

If I have a simple function that prints to standard output maybe something like an integer or lets say a string like "Flipy flops", then is there a way to call the same function but instead of printing to standard output it prints the string "Flipy flops" to a file stream? 如果我有一个简单的函数可以打印到标准输出,例如整数或可以说是“ Flipy flops”之类的字符串,那么有一种方法可以调用相同的函数,但是它不是打印到标准输出,而是打印字符串“ Flipy”失败”到文件流? (provided of course I've opened the file and all that stuff). (当然,前提是我已经打开了文件和所有东西)。

Yes just give it an ostream& parameter 是的,只给它一个ostream&参数

void my_function(...)
    cout << ...


void my_function(ostream& out, ...)
    out << ...

Using fstream works just like cin and cout. 使用fstream就像cin和cout一样。

void SomeMethod( )
    ofstream myFile( "myFile.txt" );
    myFile << FlipyFlops( );
    myFile.close( );

char* FlipyFlops( )
    return "flipy flops"; // or "flippy floppies", whichever you prefer

ofstream is for output to a file and ifstream is for reading from a file. ofstream用于输出到文件, ifstream用于从文件读取。

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