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I am new in drupal. 我是drupal的新手。 and I have this piece of code: 我有这段代码:

<?php print views_embed_view('FeaturedSalesProperties','default');?>

in page-node-3167.tpl.php 在page-node-3167.tpl.php中

it prints on site 3 random featured ads... and I do not understand what SELECT in DB is executed... 它会在网站上随机打印3个精选广告...而且我不明白在数据库中执行了什么SELECT ...

I found record in views_view with name FeaturedSalesProperties and base_table node but still do not know how this 3 ads are chosen... 我在views_view中找到了名为FeaturedSalesProperties和base_table节点的记录,但仍然不知道如何选择这3个广告...

Also it looks like the drupal site is modified because if i wanna access site/admin there is no drupal administration... 而且它看起来像drupal网站被修改,因为如果我想访问站点/管理员,则没有drupal管理...

Can anybody explain me how can I modify this view so it will print not 3 random featured ads but all of them? 谁能解释我如何修改此视图,以便它不会打印3个随机精选广告,而是全部打印?

Thanks 谢谢

Ok, so I found a way how to edit it without drupal administer... all values are in DB... 好的,所以我找到了一种无需drupal即可进行编辑的方法...所有值都在DB中...

at first find your view in view_view table second find in view_display record with the same vid as your view... look into field display_options and that it is... 首先在view_view表中找到您的视图, view_view在view_display记录中找到与您的视图具有相同vid的视图...查看字段display_options,它是...

It is quite complicated to find which value to change but it is possible :D also it is helpful if you can create some view in other drupal system and watch what has been changed if you turn this option or this... 查找要更改的值是非常复杂的,但有可能:D也很有帮助,如果您可以在其他drupal系统中创建一些视图,并查看是否已更改了该选项或此选项的更改...

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