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在Ubuntu上使用g ++编译器运行程序

[英]Running program with g++ compiler on Ubuntu

I need help with running my program on Ubuntu. 我需要在Ubuntu上运行程序的帮助。 I have two cpp files and a header file. 我有两个cpp文件和一个头文件。 I get the following error. 我收到以下错误。 Can someone help me please. 有人能帮助我吗。

gopy@gopy-VPCEB36GM:~/Desktop/helo$ g++ -c Sequence.cpp
gopy@gopy-VPCEB36GM:~/Desktop/helo$ g++ -c SequenceTest.cpp
gopy@gopy-VPCEB36GM:~/Desktop/helo$ g++ -o Sequence.o SequenceTest.o test
g++: error: test: No such file or directory

The o files are created when I open the helo folder o文件在我打开helo文件夹时创建

g++ man g ++人

-o <file>                Place the output into <file>

means test must be right after the -o flag, otherwise linker thinks test is the input 表示test必须在-o标志之后,否则链接器认为test是输入

gopy@gopy-VPCEB36GM:~/Desktop/helo$ g++ -o test Sequence.o SequenceTest.o


g++ -o test Sequence.o SequenceTest.o

As others have mentioned, -o stands for output file name. 正如其他人提到的, -o代表输出文件名。 In this case, g++ assumes Sequence.o as the output file name, SequenceTest.o and test are the files to be compiled or linked. 在这种情况下,g ++假定Sequence.o作为输出文件名, SequenceTest.otest是要编译或链接的文件。 So 所以

g++ -o test Sequence.o SequenceTest.o

is the right way to do this. 是正确的方法。 And, you can do the whole compilation process with a single command. 并且,您可以使用单个命令完成整个编译过程。

g++ Sequence*.cpp -o test

The non-answer is 'sudo apt-get codeblocks'. 非答案是“ sudo apt-get代码块”。 You can spend more time learning C++, and less time mucking with command lines. 您可以花更多的时间学习C ++,而减少使用命令行的时间。

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