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[英]How to implement ExpectedConditions.AlertIsPresent in C#

using System;
using OpenQA.Selenium;

namespace MyApplication.Selenium.Tests.Source
    public sealed class MyExpectedConditions

        private void ExpectedConditions()

        public static Func<IWebDriver, IAlert> AlertIsPresent()
            return (driver) =>
                    return driver.SwitchTo().Alert();
                catch (NoAlertPresentException)
                    return null;


You can use it like this: 你可以像这样使用它:

new WebDriverWait(Driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)) { Message = "Waiting for alert to appear" }.Until(d => MyExpectedConditions.AlertIsPresent());

WebDriverWait will throw a WebDriverTimeoutException exception if alert is not found in the required wait period. 如果在所需的等待期内未找到警报, WebDriverWait将抛出WebDriverTimeoutException异常。

Use a try catch block around WebDriverWait to catch WebDriverTimeoutException . WebDriverWait周围使用try catch块来捕获WebDriverTimeoutException

I use an extension method like below: 我使用如下的扩展方法:

public static IAlert WaitGetAlert(this IWebDriver driver, int waitTimeInSeconds = 5)
    IAlert alert = null;

    WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(waitTimeInSeconds));

        alert = wait.Until(d =>
                    // Attempt to switch to an alert
                    return driver.SwitchTo().Alert();
                catch (NoAlertPresentException)
                    // Alert not present yet
                    return null;
    catch (WebDriverTimeoutException) { alert = null; }

    return alert;

and use it like this: 并像这样使用它:

var alert = this.Driver.WaitGetAlert();
if (alert != null)

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