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C ++链表中的私有指针错误

[英]Private Pointer error in C++ linked list

I'm trying to implement a linked list in C++, but every time I compile, I get an error that says 'Node* Node::nextPtr' is private . 我试图在C ++中实现一个链表,但是每次编译时,我都会收到一条错误消息,指出'Node* Node::nextPtr' is private If I change nextPtr to have public protection, then I don't get the error and my list is fine. 如果我将nextPtr更改为具有公共保护,则不会收到此错误,并且列表很好。 Can someone tell me why this is and how to fix it? 谁能告诉我这是为什么以及如何解决? My list and node classes are as follows: 我的listnode类如下:

#include <string>

#include "node.h"

using namespace std;

class List


            bool isEmpty();
            void insertAtFront(string Word);
            void displayList();

            Node * firstPtr;
            Node * lastPtr;


#ifndef NODE_H
#define NODE_H

#include <string>

using namespace std;

class Node

            Node(string arg);

            string getData();

            string data;
            Node * nextPtr;


#include <iostream>
#include <string>

#include "node.h"

using namespace std;

Node::Node(string arg)
    cout << "Node constructor is called" << endl;
    data = arg;


string Node::getData()
    return data;

#include <iostream>

#include "list.h"
#include "node.h"

using namespace std;

    :firstPtr(0), lastPtr(0)

bool List::isEmpty()
    if(firstPtr == lastPtr)
            return true;
            return false;

void List::displayList()
    Node * currPtr = firstPtr;


            if(currPtr->nextPtr == lastPtr) // Error here
                    cout << endl << currPtr->getData() << endl;
            cout << endl << currPtr->getData() << endl;

            currPtr = currPtr->nextPtr; //Error here

    while(currPtr != lastPtr);


void List::insertAtFront(string Word)

    Node * newPtr = new Node(Word);

    if(this->isEmpty() == true)
            firstPtr = newPtr;
            cout << "Adding first element...." << endl;
    else if(this->isEmpty() == false)
            newPtr->nextPtr = firstPtr; //Error here
            firstPtr = newPtr;
            cout << "Adding another element...." << endl;

Because somewhere in your code, you access Node * nextPtr by non member functions of class Node . 因为在某处你的代码,您可以访问Node * nextPtr通过类非成员函数Node You can create a getter for nextPrt to avoid that. 您可以为nextPrt创建一个getter来避免这种情况。

You didn't show the definitions of your member functions inside the List class, but I bet it is due to those member functions try to access nextPtr from the Node class. 您没有在List类中显示成员函数的定义,但是我敢打赌,这是由于这些成员函数试图从Node类访问nextPtr You can, 您可以,

  1. make nextPtr public from Node Node公开nextPtr
  2. add public accessor functions to Node to access it Node添加公共访问器功能以对其进行访问
  3. declare List as a friend from Node , friend class List; Nodefriend class List;声明List为好友friend class List;

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