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[英]Javascript - using foreach and change image on mouseover

im working on a project in mvc and have a javascript to change the image on mouseover. 我在mvc中的一个项目上工作,并有一个JavaScript可以在鼠标悬停时更改图像。

my problem is the follows: 我的问题如下:

the script is working but only change the image for the first li element and then when i do mouseout it´s showing me the image of the last li element on the place of the first li. 该脚本正在运行,但只更改了第一个li元素的图像,然后当我将其移出鼠标时,它向我显示了第一个li元素上最后一个li元素的图像。

i can´t understand what happening . 我不知道发生了什么。

someone can give me a hand with this pls?? 有人可以帮我这个忙吗?

here is my code: 这是我的代码:

        @foreach (var p in ViewBag.MyIcon)

                  <script  type='text/javascript'>
                      function onHover() {
                          $("#iconInteraction").attr('src', '/Content/iconhover.png');

                      function offHover() {
                          $("#iconInteraction").attr('src', '@p.Icon');

                  <form action="" method="post">

                       <button type="submit" name="submit" id="Interface_Button">
               <img src="@p.Icon" onmouseover="onHover();" onmouseout="offHover();" id="iconInteraction"/>

you are using id's which are causing the problem 您正在使用导致问题的ID

                  function onHover() {
                      $(".iconInteraction").attr('src', '/Content/iconhover.png');

                  function offHover() {
                      $(".iconInteraction").attr('src', '@p.Icon');

update : but thats not the answer the code above will just make all the iconInteraction change . 更新:但这不是答案,上面的代码只会使所有iconInteraction发生更改。

use this bit of code (put it in the head of the page. 使用这段代码(将其放在页面的开头。

           $(this).attr('src', '/Content/iconhover.png');
} , function(){
           $(this).attr('src', '@p.Icon');

Try this code which reduces the number of <script> tags also 试试这个代码,它也减少了<script>标签的数量

  <script  type='text/javascript'>
      function onHover(obj) {
        $("obj").attr('src', '/Content/iconhover.png');

     function offHover(obj) {
        $("obj").attr('src', $(obj).data('original-src'));

    @foreach (var p in ViewBag.MyIcon)
              <form action="" method="post">
               <button type="submit" name="submit" id="Interface_Button">
                 <img src="@p.Icon" data-original-src="@p.Icon" 
                  onmouseout="offHover(this);" id="iconInteraction"/>

Youare using a duplicated id . 您正在使用重复的id This is why only the first img change. 这就是为什么只有第一个img更改的原因。

Try changing the onmouseover and onmouseout attribute to this : 尝试将onmouseoveronmouseout属性更改为此:


Then your code should be outside the foreach and look like this : 然后,您的代码应在foreach之外,如下所示:

function onHover() {
      $(this).attr('src', '/Content/iconhover.png');

function offHover() {
      $(this).attr('src', $(this).data('original-src'));

Well lets make it simple. 好吧,让它变得简单。 On mouse hover save the actual img-url in a custom property (actualUrl) of the same DOM object (img). 鼠标悬停时,将实际img-url保存在同一DOM对象(img)的自定义属性(actualUrl)中。 On mouse leave/out restore the actual url as src. 鼠标离开/退出时,将实际网址恢复为src。

 <script  type='text/javascript'>
          var onMouseOver = function(targetImg) {
            $(targetImg).attr('actualUrl', $(targetImg).prop('src'));
            $(targetImg).attr('src', '/Content/iconhover.png');

         var onMouseOut = function(targetImg) {
            $(targetImg).attr('src', $(targetImg).attr('actualUrl'));
            $(targetImg).attr('actualUrl', null); // Cleaning data

        @foreach (var p in ViewBag.MyIcon)
                  <form action="" method="post">
                   <button type="submit" name="submit" id="Interface_Button">
                     <img src="@p.Icon" onmouseover="onMouseOver(this);"

i have solved it.. 我已经解决了..

i have do it a little bit different but it works great. 我做的有点不同,但是效果很好。

What i have done: 我做了什么:

i have place the call of the mouseover and mouseout in the button tag and have set a counter to create always a new id of the image tag. 我已将mouseover和mouseout的调用放置在button标签中,并设置了一个计数器以始终创建图像标签的新ID。

i have add to the mouseover and mouseout event a "src" 我已经在mouseover和mouseout事件中添加了"src"

attribute and now its working fine. 属性,现在工作正常。

take a look to my working code: 看一下我的工作代码:

hope that helps somebody else. 希望对别人有帮助。

@{int x=0;} /**********Create variable and initalize with the value 0***********/

        @foreach (var p in ViewBag.MyIcon)

                  <form action="" method="post">
                      <button type="submit" name="submit" onmouseover="document.getElementById('@("icon" + x.ToString())').src='/Content/hovericon.png';"
onmouseout="document.getElementById('@("icon" + x.ToString())').src='@p.Icon';" >

                          <img src="@p.Icon" id="@("icon" + x.ToString())"/>


              x = x + 1;   /********+1 counter********/

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