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[英]Catch-all configuration except for www.website.com?

Using Nginx, I'm trying to configure my server to accept all domains that point to the IP of my server, by showing them a specific website, but when accessing the www.example.com (main website), I'd show an other content. 通过使用Nginx,我试图通过显示特定的网站来配置服务器以使其接受指向服务器IP的所有域,但是在访问www.example.com(主网站)时,我会显示一个其他内容。

Here's what I did so far: 这是我到目前为止所做的:

server {
    // Redirect www to non-www
    listen       80;
    server_name  www.example.com;
    return       301 $scheme://example.com$request_uri;

server {
    listen       80;
    server_name  example.com;
    // rest of the configuration

server {
    // Catch all
    listen       80 default_server;

    // I also tried 

    // server_name _;

    // Without any luck.

    // Rest of the configuration

The problem with this configuration is that every request made to this server not being www.example.com or example.com is took under example.com server configuration, not the catch all. 此配置的问题在于,对该服务器(不是www.example.com或example.com)的每个请求均采用example.com服务器配置,而不是全部捕获。

I'd like to cath only www.example.com/example.com in the first two configurations, and all the others in the last configuration. 我只想在前两个配置中添加www.example.com/example.com,并在最后一个配置中添加所有其他内容。

I suggest putting your server on top of the file :) 我建议将您的服务器放在文件之上:)

I think nginx wants default servers to be on top of -a- file. 我认为nginx希望默认服务器位于-a-文件之上。 I have really much files on my server, but there is one with a default server as first server declaration, and that works. 我的服务器上确实有很多文件,但是有一个默认服务器作为第一个服务器声明的文件,并且可以正常工作。

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