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[英]Changing Color of LinkButton in Repeater

I am creating a custom pagination for my GridView, so far I've done everything except this thing: I want to highlight the selected page in different color or different font style or anything I want to. 我正在为GridView创建一个自定义分页,到目前为止,我已经做完了所有事情,除了以下事情:我想用不同的颜色,不同的字体样式或任何我想要突出显示的页面。 For example if I have pages 1 2 3 4 5 6 and I do select 4, when it reloads the data from GridView I want 4 to be colored in Red 1 2 3 4 5 6. This is my aspx file 例如,如果我有页面1 2 3 4 5 6,并且我确实选择4,那么当它从GridView重新加载数据时,我希望4变成红色1 2 3 4 56。这是我的aspx文件

<asp:Repeater ID="repeaterPaging" runat="server" >
   <asp:LinkButton ID="pagingLinkButton" runat="server"
        Text='<%#Eval("Text") +" | " %>' 
        CommandArgument='<%# Eval("Value") %>'
        Enabled='<%# Eval("Enabled")%>' 
        OnClick="linkButton_Click" ForeColor="White" Font-Bold="True" Font-Underline="false">

If u can give me any info about how can I put " | " away, so only the numbers be like LinkButtons, since now my LinkButton is NUMBER+" | " 如果您可以给我任何有关如何丢弃“ |”的信息,那么只有数字类似于LinkBut​​tons,因为现在我的LinkBut​​ton是NUMBER +“ |”

My LinkButtonClick method 我的LinkBut​​tonClick方法

        protected void linkButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //int totalRows = 0;
        LinkButton lb = (LinkButton)sender;
        lb.Attributes.Add("class", "BlackLnkBtn");
        int pageIndex = int.Parse((sender as LinkButton).CommandArgument);
        pageIndex -= 1;
        gridViewSearchReport.PageIndex = pageIndex;
        //gridViewSearchReport.DataSource = EmployeeDataAccessLayer.
        //    GetEmployees(pageIndex, GridView1.PageSize, out totalRows);
       // FetchData(pageIndex);

        gridViewSearchReport.DataSource = FetchData(pageIndex+1);
        DatabindRepeater(pageIndex, gridViewSearchReport.PageSize, RowNumber());
        CheckButtonsAvailability(pageIndex + 1);


and im filling the page like this 和即时通讯这样填满页面

pages.Add(new ListItem(i.ToString(),i.ToString(), i != (pageIndex + 1)));

Basicly I want to indicate which is the current page I am viewing atm. 基本上我想指出我正在查看atm的当前页面。

Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

Set the ForeColor property of the LinkButton in the click handler, like this: 在单击处理程序中设置LinkButtonForeColor属性,如下所示:

protected void linkButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    //int totalRows = 0;
    LinkButton lb = (LinkButton)sender;
    lb.Attributes.Add("class", "BlackLnkBtn");
    int pageIndex = int.Parse((sender as LinkButton).CommandArgument);
    pageIndex -= 1;
    gridViewSearchReport.PageIndex = pageIndex;
    //gridViewSearchReport.DataSource = EmployeeDataAccessLayer.
    //    GetEmployees(pageIndex, GridView1.PageSize, out totalRows);
   // FetchData(pageIndex);

    gridViewSearchReport.DataSource = FetchData(pageIndex+1);
    DatabindRepeater(pageIndex, gridViewSearchReport.PageSize, RowNumber());
    CheckButtonsAvailability(pageIndex + 1);

    // Make the clicked link button red
    lb.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;

I solved it in a different way, using javascript : I added this function so a hidden label can take the value of the selected index, and then the selected index take the style of this label. 我使用javascript以另一种方式解决了该问题:我添加了此函数,以便隐藏标签可以采用所选索引的值,然后所选索引采用此标签的样式。

        $().ready(function () {
        $('#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_lbPageView(THIS IS DIV ID OF THE ROW WHERE PAGINATION IS GENERATING>a').each(function () {
            if ($(this).text() == $('.lblPageNum').text())  
                $(this).css('color', '#FDBE0E');

label: 标签:

 <asp:Label ID="lblPageNum" style="display:none;" Class="lblPageNum" runat="server" />

and then simply change it in code-behind in the btnclick event 然后只需在btnclick事件的代码隐藏中对其进行更改

lblPageNum.Text = (pageIndex += 1).ToString();

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