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[英]Multi mobile OS simulator

I am trying to find Simulators for multiple mobile Operating Systems, but i am always getting Emulators instead. 我试图找到适用于多种移动操作系统的模拟器,但我总是获得模拟器。

What i need basically is maybe a Web Version of different mobile OS, not to run or test applications, just to navigate through their menu and settings (go at settings, change settings, setup email etc.) 我基本上需要的可能是不同移动操作系统的Web版本,而不是运行或测试应用程序,而只是浏览其菜单和设置(进入设置,更改设置,设置电子邮件等)。

The purpose for this is to guide through users on how to change their settings on their phones, without the need of the actual device or having multiple emulators. 这样做的目的是指导用户如何在手机上更改其设置,而无需实际设备或具有多个仿真器。


After a lot of search around i managed to find an Android web simulator that suits my needs at Manymo . 经过大量搜索后,我设法找到了一个适合我在Manymo的需求的Android网络模拟器。 It has versions : 4.2 , 4.1 , 4.0.3 , 2.3 , 2.2 , 2.1 它具有以下版本:4.2、4.1、4.0.3、2.3、2.2、2.1

Still in search for something similar for iOS, Windows Phone and Blackberry. 仍在寻找适用于iOS,Windows Phone和Blackberry的类似产品。

You could easily set up such emulators with a bit of CSS and jQuery (for the animations when changing screens). 您可以使用一些CSS和jQuery(用于切换屏幕时的动画)轻松设置此类模拟器。 From time to time I run into such "simulators" on cell-provider companies' websites. 我有时会在细胞提供商公司的网站上遇到这样的“模拟器”。 But they are very limited to a teaching a few functions, and are accompanied by text on the side. 但是它们仅限于教导一些功能,并且在侧面附带文字。

You might want to hire a web developer, give him 3-4 days and then you have a nice simulator for the 3 popular OSes. 您可能想雇用一名Web开发人员,给他3-4天的时间,然后您有一个很好的模拟器来模拟3种流行的OS。

Just beware that having an Android simulator may not be enough; 请注意,拥有Android模拟器可能还不够。 The OS changes with the devices, as manufacturers do whatever they want with the OS and compile for their specific device. 操作系统随设备而变化,因为制造商可以使用操作系统进行任何操作并针对其特定设备进行编译。

Something like http://www.mobilephoneemulator.com/ then perhaps. 也许像http://www.mobilephoneemulator.com/之类的 Or do you want it for apps rather than web pages? 还是要用于应用程序而不是网页? Then I don't think it's possible. 那我认为不可能。

There are packages like jQuery Mobile that is designed to generate web apps that look like native mobile apps. 像jQuery Mobile这样的软件包可用来生成看起来像本机移动应用程序的Web应用程序。


There are some 'fun' apps built for Windows Phone to emulate other phones 有一些为Windows Phone模仿其他手机而构建的“有趣”应用程序

  • iFun - iPhone simulator iFun -iPhone模拟器

  • Fundroid - Android simulator Fundroid -Android模拟器

  • B7B - BlackBerry simulator B7B -BlackBerry模拟器

I haven't tried them out myself so I can't say how well they simulate phone settings, but is this kind of what you're looking for? 我没有亲自尝试过它们,所以无法说出它们模拟电话设置的能力如何,但这是您想要的吗?

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