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SOAP API-删除收件人

[英]SOAP API - deleting recipient

Looks like we can delete recipient in the REST API but is there a method in the SOAP API that will allow deleting recipients? 看起来我们可以在REST API中删除收件人,但是SOAP API中是否有一种方法可以删除收件人?

Currently we are calling CreateEnvelopeFromTemplatesAndForms() from the SOAP API to create the draft envelope. 当前,我们正在从SOAP API调用CreateEnvelopeFromTemplatesAndForms()来创建草稿信封。 The template may have multiple recipients and some of them may be optional. 该模板可能有多个收件人,其中一些可能是可选的。 Before we can send the envelope by setting ActivateEnvelope to true or calling SendEnvelope(), seems like all the recipients' info (ie name, email, etc) must be filled in, otherwise the call will throw an error "...email address is invalid...". 在我们通过将ActivateEnvelope设置为true或调用SendEnvelope()发送信封之前,似乎必须填写所有收件人的信息(即姓名,电子邮件等),否则该调用将引发错误“ ...电子邮件地址”是无效的...”。 So we would like to delete the optional recipients when they are not needed. 因此,我们希望在不需要收件人时删除它们。

Can we somehow define an InlineTemplate for the CreateEnvelopeFromTemplatesAndForms() call to delete recipients? 我们可以以某种方式为CreateEnvelopeFromTemplatesAndForms()调用定义一个InlineTemplate来删除收件人吗?

We also looked at CorrectAndResendEnvelope(), seems like we can edit recipient info but not delete. 我们还查看了CorrectAndResendEnvelope(),似乎我们可以编辑收件人信息,但不能删除。

Thanks in advance! 提前致谢!

No, there is no SOAP equivalent for deleting recipients. 不,没有用于删除收件人的SOAP等效项。 This is one of the reasons why DocuSign's REST API is encouraged over the SOAP API, and this feature gap is growing with every monthly release. 这是为什么鼓励DocuSign的REST API优于SOAP API的原因之一,并且每个月发布的此功能差距都在不断扩大。

Three workarounds I can think of: 我能想到的三种解决方法:

  1. Use a recipient type like Editor or Agent to edit the recipient info after envelope has been sent. 发送信封后,使用诸如“编辑器”或“代理”之类的收件人类型来编辑收件人信息。
  2. Instead of deleting optional recipients, only add them later in the process if needed. 而不是删除可选收件人,仅在需要时在过程中稍后添加它们。
  3. Use REST to delete your optional recipients. 使用REST删除您的可选收件人。

For #1, there are recipient types like Editor, Agent, or Manage Recipients which allow you to edit the recipient info of recipients that are later in the routingOrder. 对于#1,有一些收件人类型,例如“编辑者”,“代理”或“管理收件人”,它们使您可以编辑位于routingOrder中的收件人的收件人信息。

For #2, instead of adding your recipients at the beginning, only add the required recipients then at a later time if it's decided that optional ones are needed, add them through a Recipient Correction/Addition. 对于#2,而不是在开始时添加收件人,仅添加所需的收件人,然后在以后如果确定需要可选收件人,则通过收件人更正/添加来添加。

For #3, the nice thing is that you can intermix the APIs, and make some calls in SOAP and others in REST. 对于#3,不错的是,您可以混合使用API​​,并在SOAP中进行某些调用,而在REST中进行其他调用。 The only thing you'd have to do is write code to send a REST request and parse the response. 您唯一要做的就是编写代码以发送REST请求并解析响应。

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