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[英]Validation/conversion for two component based composite in JSF

I'm developing a JSF web application where I need to use periodicities as data structure. 我正在开发一个JSF Web应用程序,我需要使用周期性作为数据结构。 Here there are the Java classes I work with: 这里有我使用的Java类:

public class Periodicity implements Serializable {

    private Integer value = 0;

    private PeriodicityType type;

    //Getter and setters


public enum PeriodicityType {

That way I can specify different periodicities for my tasks, which can combine values with PeriodicityType . 这样我就可以为我的任务指定不同的周期,这可以将值与PeriodicityType组合在一起。

I also have created an input composite element called periodicityInput.xhtml , which I can use to provide that data type in different forms in a reusable way: 我还创建了一个名为periodicityInput.xhtml的输入复合元素,我可以用它以可重用的方式提供不同形式的数据类型:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"

        <composite:attribute name="value" required="true" />
        <composite:attribute name="disabled" required="false" default="false" />

        <h:panelGrid columns="2" id="#{cc.id}">
            <p:spinner value="#{cc.attrs.value.value}" min="1"
                id="value_spinner" disabled="#{cc.attrs.disabled}" />
            <p:selectOneMenu value="#{cc.attrs.value.type}" style="width:200px"
                <f:selectItem noSelectionOption="true"
                    itemLabel="#{windowsMessages.NOT_ASSIGNED}" />
                <f:selectItems value="#{viewUtils.periodicityTypes}" />

Basically I have an spinner element and a selectOneMenu , in order to select a value and a type for the periodicity. 基本上我有一个spinner元素和一个selectOneMenu ,以便为周期选择一个值和一个类型。 There's also the chance not to select any type, in this case the input numeric value must be zero . 还有机会不选择任何类型, 在这种情况下输入数值必须为零 Or, even better, if no periodicity selected the input must be converted into a null/null tuple . 或者,更好的是, 如果没有选择周期则必须将输入转换为null / null元组

As I read in some sites there's the chance to validate multiple JSF components at once accesing the id in the validation method: 正如我在一些网站上读到的那样,有机会在验证方法中同时验证多个JSF组件:

UIInput confirmComponent = (UIInput) component.getAttributes().get("confirm"); UIInput confirmComponent =(UIInput)component.getAttributes()。get(“confirm”);

Question is, how to adapt it in order to use in a composite component which doesn't have a fixed id? 问题是,如何调整它以便在没有固定id的复合组件中使用?

One way would be to create a backing component extending UIInput and do the job in UIInput#getSubmittedValue() . 一种方法是创建扩展UIInput的后备组件,并在UIInput#getSubmittedValue() The child inputs are just directly available by findComponent() . 子编号只能由findComponent()直接使用。

<cc:interface componentType="inputPeriodicity">
    <p:spinner id="value_spinner" ... />
    <p:selectOneMenu id="type_menu" ... />


public class InputPeriodicity extends UIInput implements NamingContainer {

    public String getFamily() {
        return UINamingContainer.COMPONENT_FAMILY;

    public Object getSubmittedValue() {
        UIInput typeMenu = (UIInput) findComponent("type_menu");
        String type = (String) typeMenu.getSubmittedValue();

        if (type == null || type.isEmpty()) {
            UIInput valueSpinner = (UIInput) findComponent("value_spinner");
            valueSpinner.setSubmittedValue("0"); // Don't use int/Integer here!

        return super.getSubmittedValue();


See also: 也可以看看:

Unrelated to the concrete problem, the <h:panelGrid id="#{cc.id}"> really isn't right. 具体问题无关<h:panelGrid id="#{cc.id}">确实不对。 Give it a fixed ID instead if you really need to. 如果你真的需要,给它一个固定的ID。

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