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[英]jquery autocomplete and mvc

in my partial view I have First Name, Last Name and UserName field 在我的局部视图中,我有名字,姓氏和用户名字段

        <b>Last Name</b><span class="red">*</span>
        @Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.LastName, new { id = "txtLastName" })
        @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.LastName)
        <b>First Name</b><span class="red">*</span>
        @Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.FirstName, new { id = "txtFirstName" })
        @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.FirstName)
        <b>User Name</b><span class="red">*</span>
        @Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.UserName, new { id = "txtUserNameAdd" })
        @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.UserName)

Now I have autocomplete on User Name 现在我可以自动完成用户名

        source: '/AdminSearchResult/UserNameList?fullName=' + $('#txtFirstName').val() + " " + ('#txtLastName').val()

In my controller 在我的控制器中

public ActionResult UserNameList(string term, string fullName)
    // my code

    return Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

When the partial view is loaded the screen has first name, last name and user name. 加载局部视图时,屏幕上会显示名字,姓氏和用户名。 the user enters first name and last name. 用户输入名字和姓氏。 based on the first name and last name entered the user name list (from active directory) become the source of the data for the auto complete drop down. 根据输入的名字和姓氏,用户名列表(来自活动目录)成为自动完成下拉列表的数据源。

In controller I get term value in my method but i do not get the value of fullname 在控制器中,我在我的方法中获得了术语值,但是我没有获得全名的值

fullname is ($('#txtFirstName').val() + " " + ('#txtLastName').val())

I thought since there is no value in first name and last name during document.ready i tried this alternative 我以为在document.ready中名字和姓氏都没有值,所以我尝试了这种方法

$(document).ready(function (e) {

        source: '/AdminSearchResult/UserNameList?fullName=' + getFullname()


function getFullname() {
    var lastName = document.getElementById('txtLastName').value;
    var firstName = document.getElementById('txtFirstName').value;

    return firstName + " " + lastName;

this also give me no value for full name. 这也没有全名的价值。

Can someone help me get the value for full name. 有人可以帮我获得全名的价值。

I hope this helps someone even though the question is old. 我希望这可以帮助某人,即使这个问题很旧。 First, in your example you keep referring to 首先,在您的示例中,您一直在引用
+ ('#txtLastName').val() instead of $('#txtLastName').val(). +('#txtLastName')。val()代替$('#txtLastName')。val()。

If you try tacking on the $ that you left out, your string should resolve correctly to the field value, but that's not going to modify your Autocomplete value and the Autocomplete method does not accept a dynamic querystring, so its best to do it this way: 如果您尝试添加遗漏的$,则字符串应正确解析为字段值,但这不会修改您的Autocomplete值,并且Autocomplete方法不接受动态查询字符串,因此,最好采用这种方式:

http://jquery.toitl.com/?p=2012/11/03/164155/autocomplete_with_parameter http://jquery.toitl.com/?p=2012/11/03/164155/autocomplete_with_parameter

Or Create a function that handles the on submit of your request: in your jQuery ready: 或创建一个处理请求提交的函数:在jQuery中准备好:

//Initialize the autocomplete with jQuery options which submits on Select of item
var InitAutoComplete = function() {
var $input=$(this);
var options = {
     source: '/Index/Autocomplete',
     select: submitForm

var ajFormSubmital = function(){
var $form= ($this); // the passed in form
var options = { 
url: 'some url',
type: 'GET',
data: $form.serialize()

// Now do some ajax stuff in the same scope standard ajax
$.ajax(options).done(function(data) {
var $target = $($form.find('#myspan')); //don't let the $$ fool you, one variable is named $form 
//now replace the target with the data
$newData=$(data);  //Grab the data returned by the ajax call
return false;  // we don't want the form to post directly

// create a submit form method
var submitForm = function ( e,ui ) {
var $input=$(this);  //the autocomplete input field
$input.val(ui.item.label);  //The label contains the text value can also be obtained per jQuery specs

// remember to name your variables in your controller.
// the controller will receive 'term' and also the 
// form fields will be serialized and the will have the names you assign
// in your model, not the field Ids. So concatenate in your model
// and return a json string
// Wire up the form submit event to your form in your ready event
// Wire up the autocomplete field to your your InitAutoComplete method.
// you will wire up in the $(function() {} ) - don't use $(document).ready()    
// it does not work for the ajax call after the second and even-number post     backs
// $('#myform').submit(ajFormSubmital);
// Tweak the above code and you should be able to use this in any form.

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