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[英]How to create a list that results a number from a given list, not the indices?

I am having trouble getting the results to produce the integer in the list, not which index it falls under. 我在获取结果以生成列表中的整数时遇到麻烦,而不是它属于哪个索引。

#this function takes, as input, a list of numbers and an option, which is either 0 or 1.
#if the option is 0, it returns a list of all the numbers greater than 5 in the list
#if the option is 1, it returns a list of all the odd numbers in the list
def splitList(myList, option):
    #empty list for both possible options
    oddList = []
    greaterList = []
    #if option is 0, use this for loop
    if int(option) == 0:
        #create for loop the length of myList
        for i in range(0, len(myList)):
            #check if index is greater than 5
            if ((myList[i])>5):
                #if the number is greater than 5, add to greaterList
        #return results
        return greaterList
    #if option is 1, use this for loop
    if int(option) == 1:
        #create for loop the length of myList
        for i in range(0, len(myList)):
            #check if index is odd by checking if it is divisible by 2
            if ((myList[i])%2!=0):
                #if index is not divisible by 2, add the oddList
        #return results
        return oddList

the results I receive are as follows: 我收到的结果如下:

>>>splitList([1,2,6,4,5,8,43,5,7,2], 1)
   [0, 4, 6, 7, 8]

I am trying to get the results to be [1, 5, 43, 5, 7] 我正在尝试将结果设为[1、5、43、5、7]

You're iterating over the range of the index. 您正在遍历索引范围。 Iterate over the list instead. 而是遍历列表。

for i in myList:
    #check if index is greater than 5
    if i >5:
        #if the number is greater than 5, add to greaterList

So, your code gets rewritten as (with some minor changes) 因此,您的代码被重写为(有一些小的更改)

def splitList(myList, option):
    final_list = []
    if int(option) == 0:
        for i in myList:
            if i > 5:
    elif int(option) == 1:
        for i in myList:
            if i%2 != 0:
    return final_list

You could reduce it by doing 你可以通过做来减少它

def splitList(myList, option):
    if int(option) == 0:
        return [elem for elem in myList if elem > 5]
    elif int(option) == 1:
        return [elem for elem in myList if elem % 2 != 0]

Output - 输出-

>>> splitList([1,2,6,4,5,8,43,5,7,2], 1)
[1, 5, 43, 5, 7]

List comprehensions greatly simplify your code. 列表推导极大地简化了您的代码。

def split_list(xs, option):
    if option:
        return [x for x in xs if x % 2]
        return [x for x in xs if x > 5]
if ((myList[i])>5):
    #if the number is greater than 5, add to greaterList

Instead of adding the index i , add the value ( myList[i] ): 代替添加索引i ,而是添加值( myList[i] ):

if ((myList[i])>5):
    #if the number is greater than 5, add to greaterList

Same thing for the oddList case. 对于oddList情况oddList如此。

Note: @Sukrit Kalra's solution is preferable, but I'm leaving this up to show that there's multiple ways of solving this. 注意:@Sukrit Kalra的解决方案是更可取的,但我在此保留它,以表明有多种解决方法。

Take a closer look at your .append() commands... in your compare you're using: 仔细看看.append()命令...在比较中,您正在使用:

if ((mylList[i])%2!=0) 

or 要么

if ((myList[i])>5)

...but when you put it into the list, you're just using ...但是当您将其放入列表中时,您只是在使用


instead of 代替


This must be a homework or class somewhere? 这一定是家庭作业或某个地方的课程吗?

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