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[英]django-reversion and related model

I have the following models.py 我有以下models.py

class Contact(models.Model):

class Link(models.Model):

class Relationship(models.Model):
    # Documentation
    __doc__ = _(u'Stores a relationship between 2 contacts.')
    # Attributes
    from_contact = models.ForeignKey(Contact, related_name='from_contacts', verbose_name=_(u'first contact'), help_text=_(u'The first contact implicated by the relationship.'))
    link = models.ForeignKey(Link, related_name=u'relationships', verbose_name=_(u'relationship link'), help_text=_(u'The relationship link between both contacts.'))
    to_contact = models.ForeignKey(Contact, related_name='to_contacts', verbose_name=_(u'second contact'), help_text=_(u'The second contact implicated by the relationship.'))

    # Meta-data
    class Meta:
        verbose_name = u'Relationship'
        verbose_name_plural = u'Relationships'
        unique_together = ('from_contact', 'link', 'to_contact')

Using class-based view of Django and the Revision Context Manager , I can create revision anytime I create a new relationship between 2 contacts 使用Django的基于类的视图和Revision Context Manager ,我可以在2个联系人之间创建新关系的任何时候创建修订

# part of my views.py
class RelationshipCreateView(LoginRequiredMixin, CreateView):
    template_name = u'frontend/relationships/relationship-create.html'
    model = Relationship
    form_class = RelationshipForm

    def get_success_url(self):
        return reverse_lazy('contact-detail', kwargs={'contact_pk': self.kwargs['contact_pk']})

    def form_valid(self, form):
        contact = Contact.objects.get(pk=self.kwargs['contact_pk'])
        link = form.cleaned_data['link']
        other = form.cleaned_data['other']
        inverse = form.cleaned_data['inverse_relationship']
        relationship = None
        if not inverse:
            relationship = Relationship(
            relationship = Relationship(
        with reversion.create_revision():
            reversion.set_comment(_(u'A relationship has been added between %(from)s and %(to)s' % {'from': relationship.from_contact, 'to': relationship.to_contact}))
        return HttpResponseRedirect(self.get_success_url())

But only one of the contacts gets the revision (the first) and the comment coming with it. 但只有其中一个联系人获得了修订(第一个)和随之而来的评论。 How Revision Context Manager can be used to create both revisions ? 如何使用Revision Context Manager来创建两个修订版?

Probably a bit late, but I think with a recent version of reversion you can follow the relations: 可能有点晚了,但我认为最新版本的回归你可以遵循以下关系:

Add this line to the end of your model: 将此行添加到模型的末尾:

reversion.register(Relationship, follow=['from_contact', 'link', 'to_contact'])

Django Model Utils是跟踪模型和模型领域变化以及做很多其他非常酷的东西的新的最佳实践方法。

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