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[英]Mixpanel on wordpress, how to pass title variable

Trying to setup Mixpanel on my wordpress site using a plugin I found. 尝试使用找到的插件在我的wordpress网站上设置Mixpanel。

The thing is, I need to edit the plugin so it will track the title of the page instead of the "event label". 事情是,我需要编辑插件,以便它将跟踪页面标题而不是“事件标签”。 Tried a few options but all came back blank when I view the source so obviously I am missing the right way to do that. 尝试了一些选项,但是当我查看源代码时,所有选项都恢复为空白,因此很明显我缺少正确的方法。

Here's the code: 这是代码:

  function insert_event()
$event_label = self::get_post_event_label(); 
$settings = (array) get_option( 'mixpanel_settings' );

if(!isset($settings['token_id'])) {
  return false;  

echo "<script type='text/javascript'>
     mixpanel.register_once({ 'first_referrer': document.referrer });
   mixpanel.track(\"$event_label\", {'referrer': document.referrer });
</script> "; 
return true; 

so, I need to replace $event_label with wp_title (I think...) outside the loop. 所以,我需要更换$event_labelwp_title (我想...)外循环。 Any ideas? 有任何想法吗?

With a little help from a friend I managed to solve it and thought I should share: 在朋友的帮助下,我设法解决了这个问题,并认为我应该分享:

$event_label = self::get_post_event_label(); 
if(empty($event_label)) $event_label = wp_title( ' ', false, 'right' ); 

This was changed and now it works. 这已更改,现在可以使用。

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