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[英]Creating a n-ary tree

I am trying to create a n-ary tree with a vector of the children. 我正在尝试创建带有孩子矢量的n元树。

This is what I have gotten so far. 这就是我到目前为止所得到的。

In the node.h file I have this: 在node.h文件中,我有这个:

  #include <vector>
  #include <string>

  using namespace std;

  class Node{

      Node *parent; 
      vector <Node*> children; 

      int data; 

      Node(Node parent, vector<Node> children);
      Node(Node parent, vector<Node> children, int data);

      Node * GetParent(); 

      void SetChildren(vector<Node> children);
      vector<Node>* GetChildren();
      void AddChildren(Node children);

      void SetData(int data);
      int GetData();

      bool IsLeaf();
      bool IsInternalNode();
      bool IsRoot();


And this is my node.cpp file. 这是我的node.cpp文件。

   #include "node.h"

       this->parent = NULL; 
       this->children = NULL; 
       this->data = 0;

   Node::Node(Node parent, vector<Node> children){
       this->parent = &parent; 
       this->children = &children; 

   Node::Node(Node parent, vector<Node> children, int data){
       this->parent = &parent; 
       this->children = &children; 
       this->data = data; 

   Node* Node:: GetParent(){
       return this->parent;

   void Node::SetChildren(vector<Node> children){
       this->children = &children; 

   vector<Node> * Node::GetChildren(){
       return this->children;

   void Node::AddChildren(Node children){

   void Node::SetData(int data){
       this->data = data;

This obviously doesn't work. 这显然行不通。 My main problem is that I am not quite sure how to handle the vector for the children. 我的主要问题是我不太确定如何为孩子们处理载体。 I wrote this following some tutorials online, but as you can see I am super confused. 我是根据一些在线教程编写的,但是您可以看到我非常困惑。

The main (and possibly only) problem in your code is that you defined your Node class to manipulate nodes by pointers ( Node* ) : 代码中的主要(也是唯一可能的)问题是,您定义了Node类以通过指针( Node* )来操作节点:

class Node{
    Node *parent; 
    vector <Node*> children;

But your methods are manipulating nodes by values ( Node ). 但是您的方法是通过值( Node )来操作节点。

As instance, in the constructors : 作为实例,在构造函数中:

Node::Node(Node parent, vector<Node> children){
    this->parent = &parent;

Storing the address of the parent parameter won't work, it's a temporary object, you'll need to pass a Node* parent to your constructor or to create a new Node object. 存储参数的地址将不起作用,它是一个临时对象,您需要将Node* parent对象传递给构造函数或创建一个新的Node对象。

    this->children = &children; 

This doesn't make any sense since this->children is a vector of Node* and the children parameter is a vector of Node . 这没有任何意义,因为this->childrenNode*的向量,而children参数是Node的向量。 Again, you'll need to either pass a vector of Node* to your constructor or to create new node objects. 同样,您需要将Node*的向量传递给构造函数或创建新的节点对象。

You have the same issues in SetChildren and AddChildren . 您在SetChildrenAddChildren有相同的问题。

Also, since you're manipulating your nodes as pointers, be very careful about the memory management . 另外,由于您将节点作为指针进行操作, 因此请注意内存管理 There's no garbage collector in C++, you'll have to delete every thing you new and at the proper time. C ++中没有垃圾收集器,您必须在适当的时候delete所有new

Check if below code helps you to create n-array tree creation. 检查以下代码是否可以帮助您创建n数组树。

struct TreeNode
    vector<TreeNode*> children;
    char value;

class TreeDictionary
    TreeNode *root;
        root = new TreeNode();
        root->value = 0;

    TreeNode *CreateNode(char data)
        TreeNode *parent_node = new TreeNode;
        if (parent_node)
            parent_node->value = data;
        return parent_node;
    TreeNode* SearchElement(TreeNode *NextNode, char *data, int& val)
        bool bVal = false;
        for (vector<TreeNode*>::iterator it = NextNode->children.begin(); it != NextNode->children.end(); it++)
            if ((*it)->value == *(data))
                return SearchElement((*it), ++data, ++val);
        return NextNode;

    TreeNode *InsertNode(TreeNode *parent, TreeNode *ChildNode, char data)
        if (parent == NULL)
            ChildNode = CreateNode(data);
            TreeNode *childNode = CreateNode(data);
            return childNode;
        return ChildNode;

    void InsertMyString(string str)
        TreeNode *NextNode = root;
        for (int i = 0; i < str.size(); i++)
            if (str[i] == '\0')
            cout << str[i] << endl;
            if (NextNode->value == 0)
                NextNode->value = str[i];
            else if (NextNode->value != str[i])
                NextNode = InsertNode(NextNode, NULL, str[i]);
                TreeNode *node;
                node = SearchElement(NextNode, &str[++i], i);
                NextNode = InsertNode(node, NULL, str[i]);

int main()
    TreeDictionary td;
    return 0;

This implementation of SearchElement (without recursion) also works: SearchElement此实现(无递归)也有效:

TreeNode* SearchElement(TreeNode *NextNode, char *data, int& val)
    bool bVal = false;
    for (vector<TreeNode*>::iterator it = NextNode->children.begin(); it != NextNode->children.end(); it++)
        if ((*it)->value == *(data))
            return (*it);
    return NextNode;

TreeNode* res = SearchElement(root, data, value);

I checked this out, not understandable, why - it works for any node you want to find in the tree, no matter the depth and the level of the node in the tree, And that's unclear why, Because the loop iterates only over the children at the second level of the tree (children of the root node), Despite this - it even will find nodes with depth of 10 levels in the tree. 我检查了这个原因,这是无法理解的,为什么-它适用于您想要在树中找到的任何节点,无论该树中节点的深度和级别如何,而且尚不清楚原因,因为循环仅在子节点上迭代尽管如此,它还是会在树的第二层(根节点的子节点)上找到深度为10层的节点。

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