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Rails 4-如何访问参数

[英]Rails 4 - How to Access Params

I am uploading images which POSTs the following params: 我正在上传发布以下参数的图片:

Parameters: {"url"=>"https://bucket.s3.amazonaws.com/image014.jpg",

And here is my form: 这是我的表格:

<%= s3_uploader_form callback_url: choices_url, callback_param: "choice[]", id: "s3-uploader" do %>
  <%= file_field_tag :file, multiple: true %>
   <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary start"> 
<% end %>

And in my controller I have: 在我的控制器中,我有:


def create
@choice = Choice.create!(choice_params)
  if @choice.persisted?
    respond_to do |format|
      format.html { redirect_to choices_path }
      format.json { head :no_content }

def choice_params
  params.require(:choice).permit(:url, :filepath, :filename, :filesize, :filetype)

But, it returns the error : 但是,它返回错误

 NoMethodError (undefined method `permit' for #<Array:0x007f903e380060>):
  app/controllers/choices_controller.rb:49:in `choice_params'
  app/controllers/choices_controller.rb:24:in `create'

Can you tell me what I am doing wrong here? 你能告诉我我在做什么错吗? All I would like to do is: 我要做的就是:

1) Add the "url" param to the DB 2) Titlelize the "filename" param and then submit that to the DB. 1)将“ url”参数添加到DB 2)对“ filename”参数进行标题化,然后将其提交给DB。

Thanks very much! 非常感谢!

why ? 为什么呢?

require works like params[:some_key] , except it raises ActionController::ParameterMissing when the value returned is blank. require工作方式类似于params[:some_key] ,但是当返回的值为空时,它会引发ActionController::ParameterMissing

This is handy because it allows, using rescue_from , to render a 400: bad request error in this case. 这很方便,因为在这种情况下,它允许使用rescue_from呈现400: bad request错误。

what to do ? 该怎么办 ?

So you have to wrap your params so that when you call require(:choice) you get a hash. 因此,您必须包装参数,以便在调用require(:choice)时获得哈希值。

Unfortunately s3_upload_form does not seem to support the same builder syntax as form_for , that would allow you to do : 不幸的是, s3_upload_form似乎不支持与form_for相同的构建器语法,这将允许您执行以下操作:

<%= form_for :s3_upload do |f| %>
    <% f.file_field :file %>
<% end %>

resulting in a params hash like this : 导致像这样的params哈希:

 { s3_upload: {file: <SomeFile ...>} }

So my advice would simply be to drop the require call, and to put :choice along the other arguments passed to permit . 因此,我的建议只是删除require调用,并将:choice和传递给permit的其他参数放在一起。

If you want to still have the benefits of the require method (that is, checking if a param is missing), you can always do something along the lines of : 如果您仍然希望使用require方法的好处(即检查是否缺少参数),则始终可以执行以下操作:

def choice_params
  params.permit(:foo, :bar, :baz).tap do |p| 
    p.each_key{ |k| p.require k }

this would raise an exception if any of the permitted parameters is missing. 如果缺少任何允许的参数,则会引发异常。

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