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如何在 Windows XP 中禁用外部 USB 硬盘驱动器上的自动睡眠

[英]How to disable auto sleep on external USB hard drive in Windows XP

I've seen a related question on this website regarding a Linux system.我在这个网站上看到了一个关于 Linux 系统的相关问题。 I have the same question on a Windows XP OS.我对 Windows XP 操作系统有同样的问题。 I bought a Winchester USB external HD, and found out from technical support that the sleep feature is in the firmware and cannot be turned off.我买了一个温彻斯特USB外置硬盘,从技术支持那里得知,休眠功能在固件中,无法关闭。 I'm looking for an application that will automatically read/write to that drive periodically to keep that timer resetting (every 5 minutes?).我正在寻找一个应用程序,它会定期自动读取/写入该驱动器以保持该计时器重置(每 5 分钟一次?)。 Is anyone aware of a small application for Windows XP that will do that?有人知道 Windows XP 的小型应用程序可以做到这一点吗?

Thanks for your help.谢谢你的帮助。

I have tried nearly everything to fix this problem on my external which is shared out containing my movies. 我已经尝试了几乎所有方法来解决此问题,该问题已在我的外部设备(包含我的电影)中共享。 Nothing ever worked. 没有任何工作。 I have a WD Mybook, and I think the sleep is occurring internally in the drive. 我有WD Mybook,并且我认为驱动器内部发生睡眠。

I have a solution that works for me, and should for anyone else. 我有一个适合我的解决方案,并且应该适合其他任何人。 The key is to keep the USB drive doing something. 关键是保持USB驱动器正常工作。 Not a lot, but something simple, causes some type of change on the drive. 数量不多,但很简单,会导致驱动器发生某种类型的更改。

Windows XP does not have a SLEEP command, but you can download one and add it to the SYSTEM32 folder. Windows XP没有SLEEP命令,但是您可以下载一个命令并将其添加到SYSTEM32文件夹中。 Then all you need to do is make a simple batch file, and put it in your startup folder so it executes when you log in. 然后,您要做的就是制作一个简单的批处理文件,并将其放在启动文件夹中,以便在您登录时执行。

Make sure you have write access to the drive. 确保您具有对该驱动器的写访问权。 Change the drive letter to yours... 将驱动器号更改为您的驱动器号...

Make a batch file. 制作一个批处理文件。

@echo off
@echo Keeping USB Drive Awake.  Do not close this window!
@sleep 60
@dir E: /S /B >E:\keepawake.txt
@echo Drive Accessed %date% at %time% >keepawake.txt
goto start

This will write the full directory structure to a file on the E: drive in a file called keepawake.txt. 这会将完整的目录结构写入E:驱动器中名为keepawake.txt的文件中。 Then it will overwrite it with a simple note containing the date and time. 然后,它将用包含日期和时间的简单注释覆盖它。 This will always be different. 这将永远是不同的。 It will do it every 60 seconds. 它将每60秒执行一次。

Problem solved... 问题解决了...

-Krehator -克雷亚托

I'm using the free/open source Windows program KeepAliveHD ( http://keepalivehd.codeplex.com/ ) to accomplish this. 我正在使用免费/开源的Windows程序KeepAliveHD( http://keepalivehd.codeplex.com/ )完成此操作。 Works well. 效果很好。

Make batch (.BAT) file something like this: 使批处理(.BAT)文件如下所示:

@echo off
copy c:\windows\notepad.exe g:\  (Or whatever your external drive is)
choice /N /D Y /T 120            (The 120 is the delay in seconds)
goto :start

You could try NoSleepHD. 您可以尝试NoSleepHD。

http://nosleephd.codeplex.com/ http://nosleephd.codeplex.com/

It writes an empty text file to your chosen drive every few minutes (you can choose the minutes) to stop the drive going to auto-sleep mode. 它每隔几分钟(您可以选择分钟)将一个空的文本文件写入所选的驱动器,以使驱动器停止进入自动睡眠模式。

google: nosleephd 谷歌:nosleephd

Ashx 阿什克斯

Any text editor with an autosave function would do it. 任何具有自动保存功能的文本编辑器都可以执行此操作。 You could also write a batch file to get a directory listing, and have it act recursively (call itself) after a set time period. 您还可以编写一个批处理文件以获取目录列表,并使其在设置的时间段后递归执行(自行调用)。 Or use windows scheduler to execute it. 或使用Windows Scheduler执行它。

use this batch file change the 1st two lines letter t: to your drive letter.使用此批处理文件将第一两行字母 t: 更改为您的驱动器号。 it works in all versions of windows它适用于所有版本的 windows

@echo off:start @echo 关闭:开始

REM --- Change the drive letter below to match your HDDs. REM --- 更改下面的驱动器号以匹配您的 HDD。 To add another drive replicate the copy and del lines --- copy NUL t:\HDDActive.txt del t:\HDDActive.txt要添加另一个驱动器,请复制 copy 和 del 行 --- copy NUL t:\HDDActive.txt del t:\HDDActive.txt

TIMEOUT /T 30 /NOBREAK goto start超时 /T 30 /NOBREAK 开始

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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