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Facebook React.js示例错误?

[英]Facebook React.js Example error?

I am tryin out Facebook's Reactjs library and found it awesome. 我正在试用Facebook的Reactjs库并发现它很棒。 I have ran through the exampe/tutorial and got it working. 我已经完成了示例/教程并使其正常运行。

Now i am at : http://facebook.github.io/react/docs/interactivity-and-dynamic-uis.html 现在我在: http//facebook.github.io/react/docs/interactivity-and-dynamic-uis.html

And I am trying out the code: 我正在尝试代码:

/** @jsx React.DOM */

var LikeButton = React.createClass({
  getInitialState: function() {
    return {liked: false};
  handleClick: function(event) {
    this.setState({liked: !this.state.liked});
  render: function() {
    var text = this.state.liked ? 'like' : 'unlike';
    return (
      <p onClick={this.handleClick}>
        You {text} this. Click to toggle.

  <LikeButton />,

After running the code above, i get nothing. 运行上面的代码后,我什么都没得到。 In my google chrome console, the error i got was Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token < , on the line starting with <p onClick={this.handleClick}> 在我的谷歌Chrome控制台中,我得到的错误是Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token < ,在以<p onClick={this.handleClick}>开头的行上

I was wondering if there's anyone who can enlighten me as to what is wrong with the code ? 我想知道是否有人可以告诉我代码有什么问题?

Best Regards. 最好的祝福。

Ok, i know what the mistake was. 好的,我知道错误是什么。

Since i place the code in my question as an external file ( Like.js ), make sure that the script tag should read as follows: 由于我将代码放在我的问题中作为外部文件(Like.js),请确保脚本标记应如下所示:

<script type="text/jsx"  src="Like.js"></script>

The "text/jsx" is required! “text / jsx”是必需的!

Thanks! 谢谢!

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