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[英]How do I add String elements from a text file into an ArrayList?

The text file contains numbers separated by commas (ex. 458.58, 1598.45...). 文本文件包含用逗号分隔的数字(例如458.58、1598.45 ...)。

I want to add an entire line from the text file into an ArrayList. 我想将文本文件中的整行添加到ArrayList中。

Here is my code so far: 到目前为止,这是我的代码:

// to calculate final output
ArrayList<String> weeklySales = new ArrayList<String>(7);

// week 1 sales
while(file.hasNext()) {
    System.out.println("I ran!");


EDIT: Sorry my question wasn't clear. 编辑:对不起,我的问题不清楚。 My question is after running this code, it adds ALL the elements of the ENTIRE text file into my array, BUT I need to only add 1 LINE to its own individual ArrayList. 我的问题是运行此代码后,它将整个文本文件的所有元素添加到我的数组中,但是我只需要向其自己的单个ArrayList添加1行即可。 So in total I will have as many array lists as there are lines of text in the file. 因此,总的来说,我将拥有与文件中的文本行一样多的数组列表。

This is code, you can use : 这是代码,可以使用:

String line = "458.58, 1598.45";
String array[] = line.split(", ");

Changing from String to double is possible by this way : 从String更改为double可以通过以下方式进行:


Changing array into list can be done with this : 可以使用以下方法将数组更改为列表:

ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<>();

I finally got it working. 我终于让它工作了。 I realized that the most convenient method for working with individual lines and separating individual numbers from the text file was using StringTokenizer. 我意识到,使用单行和从文本文件中分离单个数字的最便捷方法是使用StringTokenizer。 Here is the fully working code, all you will need is the text file, which is named 'SalesData.txt' and mine includes the following 3 lines: 这是完整的代码,您需要的只是文本文件,该文件名为“ SalesData.txt”,而我的文件包括以下三行:

1245.67,1490.07,1679.87,2371.46,1783.92,1461.99,2059.77 2541.36,2965.88,1965.32,1845.23,7021.11,9652.74,1469.36 2513.45,1963.22,1568.35,1966.35,1893.25,1025.36,1128.36 1245.67,1490.07,1679.87,2371.46,1783.92,1461.99,2059.77 2541.36,2965.88,1965.32,1845.23,7021.11,9652.74,1469.36 2513.45,1963.22,1568.35,1966.35,1893.25,1025.36,1128.36

This program outputs the following: 该程序输出以下内容:
-Total sales for each week -每周总销量
-Daily average for each week -每周平均
-Total sales of all the weeks -所有星期的总销量
-Average weekly total -每周平均
-The week with the highest sales -销量最高的一周
-The week with the lowest sales -销量最低的一周

DecimalFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat("#0.00");

// create file object
File salesData = new File("SalesData.txt");

// open file
Scanner file  = new Scanner(salesData);

// declare 2 dimensional array 
double[][] weeklySales = new double[3][7];

// loop to initialize token
int row = 0;
while(file.hasNext()) {
// initialize token
String line = file.nextLine();
StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(line, ",");

// fill columns and rows
int col = 0;
while(tokens.hasMoreTokens()) {
        // convert to double and assign to token
    weeklySales[row][col] = Double.parseDouble(tokens.nextToken());
    // move up 1 column
// move down 1 row

// calculate weekly sales
double week1Sales = 0, week2Sales = 0, week3Sales = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    for(int j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
        double daily = weeklySales[i][j];
        if(i == 0)
            week1Sales += daily;
        else if(i == 1)
            week2Sales += daily;
        else if(i == 2)
            week3Sales += daily;
// week 1 sales
System.out.println("Week 1 total sales: $" +formatter.format(week1Sales));
// week 2 sales
System.out.println("Week 1 total sales: $" +formatter.format(week2Sales));
// week 3 sales
System.out.println("Week 1 total sales: $" +formatter.format(week3Sales));

// average daily for week 1
System.out.println("Daily average for week 1: $" +formatter.format(week1Sales / 7));

// average daily for week 2
System.out.println("Daily average for week 2: $" +formatter.format(week2Sales / 7));

// average daily for week 3
System.out.println("Daily average for week 3: $" +formatter.format(week3Sales / 7));

// total for all weeks
double weeklyTotal = week1Sales + week2Sales + week3Sales;

System.out.println("Total sales of all the weeks: $" +formatter.format(weeklyTotal));

// average weekly sales
System.out.println("Average weekly total: $" + formatter.format(weeklyTotal / 3));

// week number with highest sales
if(week1Sales > week2Sales)
    if(week1Sales > week3Sales)
        System.out.println("The week with the highest sales is week 1.");
        System.out.println("The week with the highest sales is week 3.");
else if(week2Sales > week3Sales)
    if(week2Sales > week1Sales)
        System.out.println("The week with the highest sales is week 2.");
        System.out.println("The week with the highest sales is week 1.");
    System.out.println("The week with the highest sales is week 3.");

// week number with the lowest
if(!(week1Sales > week2Sales))
    if(!(week1Sales > week3Sales))
        System.out.println("The week with the lowest sales is week 1.");
        System.out.println("The week with the lowest sales is week 3.");
else if(!(week2Sales > week3Sales))
    if(!(week2Sales > week1Sales))
        System.out.println("The week with the lowest sales is week 2.");
        System.out.println("The week with the lowest sales is week 1.");
    System.out.println("The week with the lowest sales is week 3.");

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