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[英]To Create Software to Access SMS Backup on iPhone

I have a crazy idea. 我有个疯狂的主意。 I have read that accessing SMS messages from code for iPhone is impossible. 我已经读过,不可能从iPhone的代码访问SMS消息。
But is there a way to bypass this? 但是有办法绕过这个吗? I would like to write a piece of software which accesses user's SMS messages and shows some analytics. 我想写一个软件来访问用户的SMS消息并显示一些分析。
I have read that it is possible for iPhone user to make SMS backups. 我读过,iPhone用户可以进行SMS备份。
And here my question comes: can a user somehow set automatic SMS backup to somewhere (eg iCloud or Desktop), so that I can write software which will automatically read that backup and show some analytics? 我的问题来了:用户可以以某种方式将自动SMS备份设置到某个地方(例如iCloud或Desktop),以便我编写可以自动读取该备份并显示一些分析数据的软件吗?
Let's assume that the iPhone user doesn't mind to give my software access to his SMS messages backup. 假设iPhone用户不介意让我的软件访问他的SMS消息备份。

Apple uses a technique called sandboxing. 苹果使用一种称为沙盒的技术。 An app can only access it's own files. 应用程序只能访问自己的文件。 Your app can only access it's files in it's own application directory. 您的应用只能访问其自己的应用目录中的文件。 The SMS database is not in your apps directory. 在SMS数据库是不是在你的应用程序目录。 The SMS messages cannot be accessed on a non-jailbroken phone. 无法在未越狱的电话上访问SMS消息。 (Apple is getting better at protecting against jailbreaks). (苹果在防止越狱方面变得越来越好)。

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