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已安装Java SE和Java EE-设置JVM

[英]Installed Java SE and Java EE - setting up JVM

I've installed Java SE and now I want to install Java EE. 我已经安装了Java SE,现在想安装Java EE。 But after the JDK installation the command java -version on the command line returns: 但是,在安装JDK之后,命令行上的命令java -version将返回:

Java(TM) SE Runtime Enviroment (build 1.7.0_40-b43)

and that is strange for me because it works even if I deleted in environment variables JAVA_HOME (which points correct path to JDK folder) and %JAVA_HOME%\\bin from Path variable. 而奇怪的是我,因为它的工作原理,即使我删除了环境变量JAVA_HOME (指向JDK文件夹正确的路径),并%JAVA_HOME%\\binPath变量。

EDIT: 编辑:

This is my PATH variable: 这是我的PATH变量:

%SystemRoot%\\system32;%SystemRoot%\\System32\\Wbem;%SYSTEMROOT%\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\;c:\\Program Files\\Microsoft SQL Server\\100\\Tools\\Binn\\;c:\\Program Files\\Microsoft SQL Server\\100\\DTS\\Binn\\;C:\\Program Files\\Dell\\DW WLAN Card

Java EE is a set of components rather than a separate JVM. Java EE是一组组件,而不是单独的JVM。

When you removed the variables, did you restart your command prompt? 删除变量后,是否重新启动了命令提示符? If the command prompt which you typed java -version was still open, it would still work fine until the window was closed. 如果您键入java -version的命令提示符仍处于打开状态,则在关闭窗口之前,它仍将正常工作。

It's normal. 这是正常的。 Java EE sdk is independent, and you'll still need the JRE to launch java apps (including your application server, like Glassfish). Java EE sdk是独立的,您仍然需要JRE来启动Java应用程序(包括您的应用程序服务器,例如Glassfish)。 Later you'll create applications which will be deployed to application server. 稍后,您将创建将部署到应用程序服务器的应用程序。

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