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[英]Implementing off-canvas navigation mobile vs desktop

Background: I'm attempting to implement a responsive navigation system – an off canvas navigation for mobile that changes to a slide in nav for wider device context (the difference is subtle but important - on larger screen the nav overlaps the content, while for mobile it pushes the content aside). 背景:我正在尝试实施一个响应式导航系统–一种用于移动设备的画布导航,该导航会更改为导航中的幻灯片,以实现更广泛的设备环境(区别很小但很重要-在较大的屏幕上,导航与内容重叠,而对于移动设备而言它会将内容推到一边)。

I've followed the very useful guide about off-canvas navigation. 我遵循了有关画布外导航的非常有用的指南 My issue is that for larger device contexts (eg desktop) my nav-close-btn is requiring a double click to close, or sometimes triple click (it shouldn't - it functions correctly on mobile with a single click/touch). 我的问题是,对于较大的设备环境(例如台式机),我的nav-close-btn需要双击才能关闭,有时甚至需要三次单击(不应该-只需单击一下即可在手机上正常运行)。 I'm using media queries to trigger the navigation change (and all my transitions are created in css) but there is something in the javascript causing an issue with the larger screen nav. 我正在使用媒体查询来触发导航更改(并且我所有的转换都在CSS中创建),但是javascript中的某些内容导致大屏幕导航出现问题。

My Base html: 我的基本HTML:

<div id="outer-wrap">  //Used for off-canvas nav on mobile
  <div id="inner-wrap"> //Used for off-canvas nav on mobile
    <header id="top">
      <a class="menu-toggle-primary" id="nav-open-btn" name="top-page" href="#menu">Go to Menu</a> //I use :target as the base before enhancing up to off-canvas

    <section class="side-bar"></section>
    <section class="main-content"> </section>

    <section id="menu">
        <div class="block">
      <a class="menu-toggle-secondary" id="nav-close-btn" href="#top">Back to Content</a>


I'm using David Bushnell's javascript from the tutorial as I try to understand this: 在尝试理解这一点时,我正在使用本教程中的David Bushnell的javascript:

     *  Copyright (c) David Bushell | http://dbushell.com/
    (function(window, document, undefined)

        // helper functions

        var trim = function(str)
            return str.trim ? str.trim() : str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,'');

        var hasClass = function(el, cn)
            return (' ' + el.className + ' ').indexOf(' ' + cn + ' ') !== -1;

        var addClass = function(el, cn)
            if (!hasClass(el, cn)) {
                el.className = (el.className === '') ? cn : el.className + ' ' + cn;

        var removeClass = function(el, cn)
            el.className = trim((' ' + el.className + ' ').replace(' ' + cn + ' ', ' '));

        var hasParent = function(el, id)
            if (el) {
                do {
                    if (el.id === id) {
                        return true;
                    if (el.nodeType === 9) {
                while((el = el.parentNode));
            return false;

        // normalize vendor prefixes

        var doc = document.documentElement;

        var transform_prop = window.Modernizr.prefixed('transform'),
            transition_prop = window.Modernizr.prefixed('transition'),
            transition_end = (function() {
                var props = {
                    'WebkitTransition' : 'webkitTransitionEnd',
                    'MozTransition'    : 'transitionend',
                    'OTransition'      : 'oTransitionEnd otransitionend',
                    'msTransition'     : 'MSTransitionEnd',
                    'transition'       : 'transitionend'
                return props.hasOwnProperty(transition_prop) ? props[transition_prop] : false;

        window.App = (function()

            var _init = false, app = { };

            var inner = document.getElementById('inner-wrap'),

                nav_open = false,

                nav_class = 'js-nav';

            app.init = function()
                if (_init) {
                _init = true;

                var closeNavEnd = function(e)
                    if (e && e.target === inner) {
                        document.removeEventListener(transition_end, closeNavEnd, false);
                    nav_open = false;

                app.closeNav =function()
                    if (nav_open) {
                        // close navigation after transition or immediately
                        var duration = (transition_end && transition_prop) ? parseFloat(window.getComputedStyle(inner, '')[transition_prop + 'Duration']) : 0;
                        if (duration > 0) {
                            document.addEventListener(transition_end, closeNavEnd, false);
                        } else {
                    removeClass(doc, nav_class);

                app.openNav = function()
                    if (nav_open) {
                    addClass(doc, nav_class);
                    nav_open = true;

                app.toggleNav = function(e)
                    if (nav_open && hasClass(doc, nav_class)) {
                    } else {
                    if (e) {

                // open nav with main "nav" button
                document.getElementById('nav-open-btn').addEventListener('click', app.toggleNav, false);

                // close nav with main "close" button
                document.getElementById('nav-close-btn').addEventListener('click', app.toggleNav, false);

                // close nav by touching the partial off-screen content
                document.addEventListener('click', function(e)
                    if (nav_open && !hasParent(e.target, 'menu')) {

                addClass(doc, 'js-ready');


            return app;


        if (window.addEventListener) {
            window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', window.App.init, false);

    })(window, window.document);

It's very odd, the first time I open the menu (for desktop size) it works perfectly fine, but on any secondary attempts without a page (re)load the click issue occurs. 奇怪的是,我第一次打开菜单(针对桌面大小)时,它的运行情况非常好,但是在没有页面(重新)加载的任何第二次尝试中,都会发生点击问题。 Maybe the issue has something to do with removing and adding anchors (as I'm using :target, before progressively enhancing to off-canvas)? 也许这个问题与删除和添加锚点有关(就像我在逐步增强到画布之前使用:target一样)?

The other issue is that on the off canvas implementation the initial animation is hidden and for larger devices I see the initial "hide" animation. 另一个问题是,在画布之外的实现中,初始动画是隐藏的,对于较大的设备,我会看到初始的“隐藏”动画。

Just came across this problem myself, the variable inner is parsed before the DOM is ready, so if you have included the main.js in the header, it will not work. 我自己刚遇到这个问题,在DOM准备就绪之前就对变量inner进行了解析,因此,如果您在头文件中包含main.js,它将无法正常工作。 Also documented here: https://github.com/dbushell/Responsive-Off-Canvas-Menu/issues/12 也记录在这里: https : //github.com/dbushell/Responsive-Off-Canvas-Menu/issues/12

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