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[英]How to access Array elements as constants - Java

I am trying to store the Color values in Java Array but I know that these values are stored as strings, 我正在尝试将Color值存储在Java Array中,但我知道这些值存储为字符串,

String[] colorarray = {"Color.yellow","Color.red","Color.blue"};

Now, I couldn't access this array element to set the color, ie 现在,我无法访问此数组元素来设置颜色,即


Because all the values in the array are strings. 因为数组中的所有值都是字符串。 How could I convert these values to the constants ? 如何将这些值转换为常数?


Color[] colorArray = {Color.YELLOW, Color.RED, Color.BLUE};


Color[] colorarray = {Color.YELLOW, Color.RED, Color.BLUE};

If you have control over the array, by all means change it to just be an array of Color s as suggested by several other people. 如果您对数组有控制权,请务必将其更改为仅由Color的数组,这是其他几个人建议的。

Color[] colorArray = {Color.YELLOW, Color.RED, Color.BLUE};

If you don't have control over the array and you have to use it as-is, you'll need to do one of two things: 如果您无法控制数组,而必须按原样使用它,则需要执行以下两项操作之一:

  1. Use reflection to access the static members of the Color class (a quick Google search will give you plenty of examples on how to do this so I won't go into it here) 使用反射来访问Color类的静态成员(快速的Google搜索将为您提供有关如何执行此操作的大量示例,因此在这里我不再赘述)
  2. Create a Java 7 switch statement on the Strings to interpret each possible color value in the array into Color.XXX where XXX is the name of your color. 在字符串上创建Java 7 switch语句,以将数组中的每个可能的颜色值解释为Color.XXX ,其中XXX是您的颜色名称。 (This could also be done using a big if-else block but that wouldn't be as clean) (这也可以使用一个大的if-else块来完成,但是那样不干净)

One other quick note - variable names in Java are, by convention, in camelCase starting with a lower-case letter. 另一个快速说明-按照惯例,Java中的变量名以驼峰大写字母开头。 This helps make your code more readable. 这有助于使您的代码更具可读性。 (Class names are CamelCase, package names are lower.case) (类名称为CamelCase,包名称为小写)

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