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[英]to apply sequential line numbering to lines in a paragraph: is it possible?

Is it possible to have jquery/javascript insert sequential line number at the start of all lines in a paragraph and, better still, to follow the sequence through to subsequent paragraphs? 是否可以让jquery / javascript在段落中所有行的开头插入顺序行号,并且更好的是,按照顺序执行到后续段落?

I want to be able to refer students quickly to particular lines of an article (in a classroom setting). 我希望能够(在课堂环境中)快速地将学生引荐到文章的特定行。 I have lots of articles to which I would like to apply this functionality, each of which has varying numbers of paragraphs. 我有很多文章想要应用此功能,每篇文章都有不同数量的段落。

I was hoping this might be possible, even in a responsive page, where the width of the paragraphs changes, depending on the display device, and the consequent number of lines in each paragraph becomes greater or fewer. 我希望,即使在响应页面中,段落的宽度根据显示设备而变化,并且每个段落中相应的行数变得越来越多,这也是可能的。

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help. 在此先感谢任何可以提供帮助的人。

Here is one approach that may suit your purposes. 这是一种可能适合您目的的方法。

  1. Get the height of a one-line paragraph, for reference. 获取单行段落的高度,以供参考。
  2. For each paragraph, get the actual height, and infer the number of lines. 对于每个段落,获取实际高度,然后推断出行数。
  3. Loop through the lines and add the numbering at absolute positions. 循环浏览各行,并在绝对位置添加编号。

var refHeight = $("p").eq(0).height();
var cnt = 1;
$("p").each(function(index) {
    var pos = $(this).position();
    var h = $(this).height();
    var lines = h / refHeight;
    var lineHeight = h / lines;
    for (var i=pos.top ; i<pos.top+h ; i += lineHeight) {
        var num = $("<p>", { class: "number" });
        num.css("top", i);

(Fiddle) (小提琴)

Edit 编辑

If you wanted to use a fixed line length (so that everyone is seeing the same numbers), you could combine the above with the following: 如果您想使用固定的行长(以便每个人都看到相同的数字),则可以将以上内容与以下内容结合使用:

  1. Break the paragraphs into lines. 将段落分成几行。
  2. Wrap each line in a span/div, and re-append. 将每一行换成span / div,然后重新追加。
  3. Block the browser from text wrapping . 阻止浏览器进行自动换行

$("p").each(function() {
    var text = $(this).text();
    var i=0;
    while (i<text.length) {
        lineCharWidth = charWidth;
        while (i+lineCharWidth < text.length && text[i+lineCharWidth] != ' ') {
        var line = $("<span>", { class: "line" }).text(text.substr(i, lineCharWidth));
        i += lineCharWidth;

(Fiddle) (小提琴)

Here's a solution that uses a function to split the paragraph text on space characters based on a pre-determined line length and then replaces the text with an <ol> comprised of <li> elements each containing one line of text: 这是一种解决方案该解决方案使用函数根据预定的行长在空格字符上分割段落文本,然后将其替换<ol> <li>元素组成的<ol> <li>元素,每个元素包含一行文本:

var lineNum = 1;

function splitLines(text, lineLen) {
    var words = text.split(/\s/g), line = '', lines = [];
    $.each(words, function(idx) {
        line += this + ' ';
        if (line.length > lineLen || idx == words.length - 1) {
            line = '';
            lineNum += 1;
    return lines;

$('p').each(function() {
    var $p = $(this), $ol = $('<ol start="' + lineNum + '">'), lineLen = 50;

    $.each(splitLines($p.text(), lineLen), function(idx) {
        $ol.append('<li>' + this + '</li>');


I'm not sure about the support for the start attribute of the <ol> . 我不确定对<ol>start属性的支持。 It does work in Chrome. 它确实可以在Chrome中运行。 Even still, I like using the list element because it's a little more semantically meaningful, in my opinion. 即便如此,我还是喜欢使用list元素,因为我认为它在语义上更具意义。

Sure. 当然。 Just make sure you're encoding your line returns and use it to split up the text with a simple replace. 只需确保对行返回值进行编码,并使用它来替换简单的替换文本即可。

Sample text: 示范文本:

The quick
brown fox
jumped over
the lazy dog

for this, the actual string would be the following: 为此,实际的字符串如下:

The quick\r\nbrown fox\r\njumped over\r\nthe lazy dog

I think something like this would work (without the document.write, and there could be performance improvements): 我认为类似这样的方法会起作用(没有document.write,并且可能会提高性能):

var input = '\r\nThe quick\r\nbrown fox\r\njumped over\r\nthe lazy dog';
input = input.replace(/\r\n/g, '<div class=\'index\'></div>');
var idx = 0;

If I'm not mistaken, this should write out an index number on each line. 如果我没记错的话,这应该在每一行写出一个索引号。 Could use some testing/debugging, though :) 可以使用一些测试/调试:)

For an example of how this is done, check out Github's diff pages. 有关如何完成此操作的示例,请查看Github的diff页面。

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