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[英]Javascript array check and combine

I have two arrays containing some objects and I need to know how to combine them and exclude any duplicates. 我有两个包含一些对象的数组,我需要知道如何组合它们并排除任何重复项。 (For example, the object that contains apple: 222 from the second array should be excluded, if it already exists in the first array.) (例如,如果第一个数组中已存在包含第二个数组中的apple: 222的对象,则应将其排除在外。)

Check below: 检查如下:

var arr1 = [
    {apple: 111, tomato: 55},
    {apple: 222, tomato: 55}

var arr2 = [
    {apple: 222, tomato: 55},
    {apple: 333, tomato: 55}

I want the result to be like this: 我希望结果是这样的:

   var res = [
    {apple: 111, tomato: 55},
    {apple: 222, tomato: 55},
    {apple: 333, tomato: 55}

How can I do that in javascript? 我怎么能用javascript做到这一点?

You could write a dedupe function. 你可以写一个重复数据删除函数。

if (!Array.prototype.dedupe) {
  Array.prototype.dedupe = function (type) {
    for (var i = 0, l = this.length - 1; i < l; i++) {
      if (this[i][type] === this[i + 1][type]) {
        this.splice(i, 1);
        i--; l--;
    return this;

function combine(arr1, arr2, key) {
  return arr1
    .sort(function (a, b) { return a[key] - b[key]; })

var combined = combine(arr1, arr2, 'apple');

Fiddle . 小提琴

Does this solution fit with your needs ( demo ) ? 这个解决方案是否符合您的需求( 演示 )?

var res, i, item, prev;

// merges arrays together
res = [].concat(arr1, arr2);

// sorts the resulting array based on the apple property
res.sort(function (a, b) {
    return a.apple - b.apple;

for (i = res.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    item = res[i];

    // compares each item with the previous one based on the apple property
    if (prev && item.apple === prev.apple) {

        // removes item if properties match
        res.splice(i, 1);
    prev = item;

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