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[英]Security Risks of Including a 3rd Party iFrame

What are the application security risks of including a hidden 3rd Party iFrame? 包含隐藏的第三方iFrame有哪些应用程序安全风险?

If I understand correctly... 如果我理解正确的话......

  • Click jacking isn't an issue for me because I own the parent page 点击顶起对我来说不是问题,因为我拥有父页面
  • Same-Origin Policy prevents 3p frame from interacting my dom/cookies/js 同源策略阻止3p帧与我的dom / cookies / js交互
  • The frame is hidden, so I don't have to worry about anything that may be displayed in the frame 框架是隐藏的,所以我不必担心框架中可能显示的任何内容

However I did some experiments in the Chrome console and... 但是我在Chrome控制台中做了一些实验并且......

  • 3p frame can call things like alert/prompt 3p帧可以调用警报/提示等内容
  • 3p frame can redirect the parent via location.href 3p帧可以通过location.href重定向父
  • Malware inside the 3p frame (java/flash/activeX) could infect my user 3p帧内的恶意软件(java / flash / activeX)可能会感染我的用户

I'd love to see a list of the possible issues and any mitigations, but I can't find a good source of information. 我很想看到可能的问题和任何缓解措施的清单,但我找不到一个好的信息来源。

So...What are the application security risks of including a hidden 3rd Party iFrame? 那么......包含隐藏的第三方iFrame的应用程序安全风险是什么?

If you are implementing Iframes on your website, you could use the sandbox tag in HTML5' iframe to prevent yourself/others on your website. 如果您要在自己的网站上实施Iframe,则可以使用HTML5的iframe中的sandbox标记来阻止您自己/网站上的其他人。

Source: http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/the-iframe-element.html#attr-iframe-sandbox 资料来源: http//www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/the-if​​rame-element.html#attr-iframe-sandbox

I don't know how effective it is (the sandbox feature), but it states it can restrict scripts, forms etc inside the iframe. 我不知道它有多有效(沙箱功能),但它声明它可以限制iframe内的脚本,表单等。

<iframe sandbox="" src="www.example.com"/>

Although not a guaranteed and effective method, it's one of many different ways. 虽然不是一种有保证和有效的方法,但它是众多不同方法中的一种。 On your end though, you could use add-ons such as NoScript to prevent certain/all scripts from running. 但是,在您的最后,您可以使用NoScript等附加组件来阻止某些/所有脚本运行。

It's possible that the 3rd party iframe, as you said, could use exploits such as drive-by-downloads, browser exploits to gain access to your OS and possibly more. 正如你所说,第三方iframe可能会使用诸如下载驱动,浏览器漏洞等攻击来获取对操作系统的访问权限,甚至更多。

See also here: Why are iframes considered dangerous and a security risk? 另见此处: 为什么iframe被认为是危险的并且存在安全风险?

Hope this helps. 希望这可以帮助。

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