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[英]How do I store a variable's value in a list instead of a reference?

a = ['a']
b = ['b']
c = a
ab = [a,b]


a[0] = 'c'


Returns: 返回:

[['a'], ['b']]
[['c'], ['b']]

I wanted the c list to remain what it was ie ['a']. 我希望c列表保持原样即['a']。 But it changed after I changed the element in the a list. 但是在我更改了列表中的元素后,它发生了变化。 Why does this happen and how, if at all, can I avoid it. 为什么会发生这种情况,如果有的话,我可以避免它。

You need to copy the list a and assign it to c . 您需要复制列表a并将其分配给c Right now you are just assigning the reference to a to c , which is why when you modify a you also modify c . 现在你只是将参考分配给ac ,这就是为什么当你修改a你也修改c There are multiple ways to copy a , I think the easiest to read uses the list constructor: 有多种方法可以复制a ,我觉得最容易阅读使用列表构造函数:

c = list(a)

Alek's or mtitan8's solutions are probably the most convenient. Alek或mtitan8的解决方案可能是最方便的。 To be very explicit, you can import copy and then use c = copy.copy(a) 要非常明确,您可以import copy然后使用c = copy.copy(a)

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