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[英]Autocomplete strange behaviour

I have autocomplete with DataTemplate as: 我有DataTemplate自动完成为:

<my:AutoCompleteBox FontSize="18" TextChanged="z_TextChanged" SelectionChanged="z_SelectionChanged" Width="220" Name="z" FilterMode="Contains" >
                            <TextBlock Text="{Binding name}"></TextBlock>

And binding items like: 和绑定项,如:

myList = ListsClass.pList.Where(y => y.wID == wID).Distinct().ToList();
z.ItemsSource = myList;

myList type: SearchProd, with string name, int ID etc. myList类型:SearchProd,具有字符串名称,整数ID等。

My problem is that, when I put one letter on autocomplete I can see all items which name contains entered letter. 我的问题是,当我在自动完成功能上放一个字母时,我可以看到名称中包含输入字母的所有项目。 But when i click down/up arrow i can see on AutoComplete.Text: myNameSpace.Classes.SearchProd. 但是,当我单击上/下箭头时,可以在AutoComplete.Text上看到:myNameSpace.Classes.SearchProd。

What I'm doing wrong? 我做错了什么?

Thanks in advance! 提前致谢!

z.ValueMemberPath = "name"; z.ValueMemberPath =“名称”; was missing in code behind. 在后面的代码中丢失了。

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