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[英]how to install node.js in linux server using putty

-bash-3.2$ ./configure --prefix=$HOME
   File "./configure", line 287
     o['default_configuration'] = 'Debug' if options.debug else 'Release'

SyntaxError: invalid syntax . SyntaxError: invalid syntax

How do I fix this error? 如何解决此错误?

The error you're receiving is the result of using an older version of Python. 您收到的错误是使用旧版本的Python的结果。 To build Node.js, you must use version 2.6 or 2.7 of Python. 要构建Node.js,您必须使用2.6或2.7版的Python。

To fix your problem, update Python to a supported version. 要解决您的问题,请将Python更新到受支持的版本。 Also make sure that your PATH variable points to the correct Python you want to use, as installing a package might not change where the variable points to. 还要确保您的PATH变量指向您要使用的正确Python,因为安装软件包可能不会更改该变量指向的位置。

To check your version of Python, use this command: 要检查您的Python版本,请使用以下命令:

python -V

do not enter -bash-3.2$ at the beginning. 开头不要输入-bash-3.2 $ Just do 做就是了

./configure --prefix=$HOME File "./configure", line 287 o['default_configuration'] = 'Debug' if options.debug else 'Release' ./configure --prefix = $ HOME文件“ ./configure”,第287行o ['default_configuration'] ='Debug',如果options.debug否则为'Release'

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