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[英]Magento Tax - Custom calculation

I have products added to my Magento store with 20% tax included. 我将商品加到我的Magento商店中,含20%的税。

I have a store view that is shown to USA customers. 我有向美国客户显示的商店视图。

I require the price to remain the same, but hide the Tax in the cart/orders. 我要求价格保持不变,但在购物车/订单中隐藏“税”。 Also I need to double the tax and show it, if they are in the USA but their shipping address is not. 如果他们在美国,但我的送货地址不是,我还需要加倍税款并显示。

Examples: 例子:

  • Normal price £10 (inc £2 tax) 正常价格£10(含税£2)
  • USA price: $10 (no reference of tax/$0 tax) 美国价格:$ 10(不含税/ $ 0税)
  • USA price but shipping to another country: $12 (inc $2 tax) 美国价格,但运到其他国家/地区:$ 12(含税$ 2)

I have the prices working as required, I just need some help as to where I can hide the tax and also double it depending on shipping country. 我已按要求提供价格服务,我只需要一些有关可以在哪里隐藏税款并根据运输国家将其加倍的帮助。

In Magento admin, in the Promotion menu, there are the so called "Shopping Cart Tax Rules" and "Catalog Price Rules". 在Magento管理员的“促销”菜单中,有所谓的“购物车税规则”和“目录价格规则”。 Here you can set taxes to Countries, Customers, Categories, etc. 您可以在此处为国家/地区,客户,类别等设置税金。

Also in System->Configuration->Taxes (if I remember well) there are some settings regarding the display of taxes. 同样,在“系统”->“配置”->“税收”(如果我没记错的话)中,有一些关于税收显示的设置。

Have you tried any of these? 你有没有尝试过这些?

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