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[英]XML to CSV converter using API

I want to convert my XML file into CSV file but i want to use any tool who convert it automatically and i can pass input parameter using its API.I don't want to use any script to directly convert XML to csv. 我想将XML文件转换为CSV文件,但是我想使用任何自动将其转换的工具,并且可以使用其API传递输入参数。我不想使用任何脚本将XML直接转换为csv。 Is there any way to perform this? 有什么方法可以执行此操作吗?

Use PHP_curl.... 使用PHP_curl ...

Here is the code.. 这是代码。

 if (file_exists($filexml))            {
   $xml = simplexml_load_file($filexml);
    $f = fopen('invoice.csv', 'w');
    createCsv($xml, $f);
function createCsv($xml,$f)
 $arr1 = array('col1','col2'...); 
 fputcsv($f, $arr1 ,',','"');
     foreach ($xml->record as $item) 
       $hasChild = (count($item->record) > 0)?true:false;

    if( ! $hasChild)
    //item is xml tag name 
        $put_arr = array($item->company_name); 

     fputcsv($f, $put_arr ,',','"');

     createCsv($item, $f);


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