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SCCM 2007在集合之间移动计算机

[英]SCCM 2007 move computers between collections

I have no code to provide for this because I am not familiar with SCCM 2007. I am hoping that someone maybe can help me with the whole process. 我没有提供任何代码,因为我对SCCM 2007并不熟悉。我希望有人可以在整个过程中为我提供帮助。 What I am trying to achieve is to get computers which are installed with windows 7 32-bit, they have their own collection and move them to the collection for windows 7 64-bit. 我要实现的目标是获得安装了32位Windows 7的计算机,它们具有自己的集合,并将它们移至64位Windows 7的集合中。 I prefer to do this with a script cause we´re talking about approx 2000 clients. 我更喜欢使用脚本来完成此操作,因为我们正在谈论大约2000个客户端。

Why you don't use dynamically collection for the "windows 7 64- bit" Clients. 为什么不对“ Windows 7 64位”客户端使用动态收集。 If all Clients are imported via the dynamically query you can copy paste all clients in a your new direct collection. 如果所有客户端都是通过动态查询导入的,则可以将所有客户端复制粘贴到新的直接集合中。

A query may look like this http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/systemcenter/en-US/3591397c-157e-40ce-b3f4-9d304efa21ac/sccm-querycollection-windows-7-x64?forum=configmgrgeneral 查询可能看起来像这样http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/systemcenter/en-US/3591397c-157e-40ce-b3f4-9d304efa21ac/sccm-querycollection-windows-7-x64?forum=configmgrgeneral

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