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[英]How to split string using a matching string in Oracle using regexp?

Currently I've this, but it is returning null . 目前,我有这个,但它返回null

select  regexp_substr(  'abcx1bcdx2mno',  '[^x[[:digit:]]]+', 1,1 ) from dual;
select  regexp_substr(  'abcx1bcdx2mno',  '[^x[[:digit:]]]+', 1,1 ) from dual;

I want to have it such a way, that the first query returns abc , and second one returns bcd . 我想要这样一种方式,第一个查询返回abc ,第二个查询返回bcd

Unfortunately we cannot negate a group of characters(search string). 不幸的是,我们不能否定一组字符(搜索字符串)。 As a workaround we could replace our search string with a single character, space for example, and then negate that one character: 作为一种解决方法,我们可以将搜索字符串替换为单个字符(例如空格),然后取反一个字符:

Here is a simple example: 这是一个简单的示例:

with t1(col) aS(
  select 'abcx1bcdx2mno' from dual
select regexp_substr( regexp_replace(col, 'x[[:digit:]]', ' '), '[^ ]+'
                     , 1, level) as res
  from t1
connect by level <= regexp_count( regexp_replace(col, 'x[[:digit:]]', ' ')
                                 , '[^ ]+')

Note : regexp_count() regular expression function introduced in oracle 11g version. 注意 :oracle 11g版本中引入了regexp_count()正则表达式函数。

Result: 结果:


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