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[英]Javascript: Sorting Objects Challenge

I have a bit of a challenge. 我有点挑战。 I am working on a physics application with javascript. 我正在使用javascript开发物理应用程序。 The two main objects being used are 使用的两个主要对象是

var force = new Object();
var torque = new Object();
with properties
force.magnitude = newArray();
force.lengthfromorigin = new Array();
torque.lengthfromorigin= new Array();

now, I'd like to sort these two objects into an array based on their respective lengthfromorigins 现在,我想根据它们各自的长度将其归类为一个数组

Example: force.lengthfromorigin = [5,8] and torque.lengthfromorigin=[2,6] so their order in this newArray would be [ torque[0], force[0], torque[1], force[1] ] 示例:force.lengthfromorigin = [5,8],torque.lengthfromorigin = [2,6],因此它们在此newArray中的顺序为[torque [0],force [0],torque [1],force [1]]

My question is it possible to have an array of different objects sorted by their respective properties, and to then use this array in a function which will make decisions based on which object is at the index. 我的问题是,可以有一个按其各自属性排序的不同对象数组,然后在一个函数中使用此数组,该函数将根据哪个对象位于索引进行决策。 Also will I need to have an id property in each respective object to identify if the object is a torque or force. 我还需要在每个对象中都具有id属性,以标识该对象是扭矩还是力。

Example: 例:

if(newArray[i] == torque)
    //do stuff
    //do other stuff.

Something like this perhaps? 大概是这样吗?

Let me explain the algorithm: 让我解释一下算法:

  1. Create a new array let it be called A . 创建一个新数组,使其称为A。
  2. For each objects in objects : 对于对象中的每个objects

    2.1 Let the current object be called obj . 2.1让当前对象称为obj

    2.2 Use map to generate a new array called tuples of [obj, num] tuples for each lengthFromOrigin numbers of obj . 2.2使用map ,以产生所谓的[OBJ,NUM]元组的每一个元组新的数组lengthFromOrigin obj的号码。

    3.3 Push all items of tuples into A . 3.3将所有元组推入A。

  3. Sort A on tuple[1] (which is the number) ascending. tuple [1] (即数字)上的A进行升序排序。

var objects = [
        { type: 'force', lengthFromOrigin: [5, 8] },
        { type: 'torque', lengthFromOrigin: [2, 6] }
    sorted = objects.reduce(function (arr, obj) {
        arr.push.apply(arr, obj.lengthFromOrigin.map(function (num) {
            return [obj, num];

        return arr;           
    }, []).sort(function (a, b) {
        return a[1] - b[1];    


Then you can loop over sorted and easily identify if it's a torque or force by looking at the first element in the tuple. 然后,您可以遍历sorted并通过查看元组中的第一个元素轻松确定是扭矩还是

sorted.forEach(function (tuple) {
    console.log(tuple[0].type, tuple[1]);

//torque 2
//force 5
//torque 6
//force 8 

The answer is Yes , 答案是可以

But you have to identify each object before you access their properties. 但是,您必须先识别每个对象,然后才能访问它们的属性。 In your case Both of the objects have a common property called lengthfromorigin which can be used to sort them properly. 在您的情况下,这两个对象都有一个共同的属性,称为lengthfromorigin ,可用于对它们进行正确排序。

To identify each object you can use a property like ID or Name . 要标识每个对象,可以使用IDName之类的属性。

if(Mydata[i].Name = 'torque'){
  //your code goes here
else if(Mydata[i].Name = 'force'){
  //your code goes here

Hope this will help you 希望这个能对您有所帮助

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