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[英]Best way to encode special chars in url

What is the best way to encode special characters in a url? 在网址中编码特殊字符的最佳方法是什么? Let's say I pass an variable from javascript to a php script that way: 假设我以这种方式将变量从javascript传递到php脚本:

http://example.com/my sp3c!al var!a$le

What is the best way to encode that special characters (like whitespace, !, $, /, \\ etc.)? 编码特殊字符(如空格,!,$,/,\\等)的最佳方法是什么? Is there a method in javascript to encode it with a corresponding function in php to decode it there? javascript中是否有一种方法可以用php中的相应功能对其进行编码以在那里进行解码?


You can do it in three ways 您可以通过三种方式做到这一点

encodeURI(yourvar) output http://example.com/my%20sp3c!al%20var!a$le encodeURI(yourvar)输出http://example.com/my%20sp3c!al%20var!a$le

amd AMD

encodeURIComponent(yourvar) encodeURIComponent(yourvar)

output http%3A%2F%2Fexample.com%2Fmy%20sp3c!al%20var!a%24le 输出http%3A%2F%2Fexample.com%2Fmy%20sp3c!al%20var!a%24le

escape() 逃逸()

output http%3A//example.com/my%20sp3c%21al%20var%21a%24le 输出http%3A//example.com/my%20sp3c%21al%20var%21a%24le

using escape is not recomended because it is deprecated since ECMAScript v3. 建议不要使用转义,因为自ECMAScript v3起已不建议使用转义。

functions is for JavaScript escaping, not HTTP. 函数用于JavaScript转义,而不用于HTTP。

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