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[英]how to use antlr4 visitor

I am a beginner of antlr. 我是antlr的初学者。 I was trying to use visitor in my code and following the instruction on the net. 我试图在我的代码中使用访问者并遵循网络上的说明。 However, I found out that the visitor was not entering the method I create at all. 但是,我发现访问者没有进入我创建的方法。 May anyone tell me what I did wrong? 愿谁有人告诉我我做错了什么?

This is my visitor: 这是我的访客:

import java.util.LinkedList;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.misc.NotNull;

 * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
 * and open the template in the editor.

 * @author Sherwood
public class ExtractMicroBaseVisitor extends MicroBaseVisitor<Integer> {
    //LinkedList<IR> ll = new LinkedList<IR>();
    //MicroParser parser;

    public Integer visitPgm_body(@NotNull MicroParser.Pgm_bodyContext ctx){
        return 467;

    public Integer visitProgram(@NotNull MicroParser.ProgramContext ctx){
        return 456;


As you can see, the stdout should print 11 when the method "visitProgram" was entered. 如您所见,当输入方法“visitProgram”时,stdout应打印11。 But the output screen gave me nothing (a null type). 但输出屏幕没有给我任何东西(null类型)。

This is my main code: 这是我的主要代码:

import java.io.IOException;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.*;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.*;
 * @author Sherwood
public class Compiler {

     * @param args the command line arguments    
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // TODO code application logic here 
        //SymbolTable table = new SymbolTable();
        try {
            ANTLRFileStream reader = new ANTLRFileStream("TestCases/step4_testcase3.micro");
            MicroLexer lexer  = new MicroLexer((CharStream)reader);
                    TokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
                    MicroParser parser = new MicroParser(tokens);
                    parser.setErrorHandler(new MyErrorStrategy());
                    ParseTree tree = parser.program();

                    //ParseTreeWalker walker = new ParseTreeWalker(); // create standard walker
                    //ExtractMicroBaseListener extractor = new ExtractMicroBaseListener(parser);
                    //walker.walk(extractor, tree); // initiate walk of tree with listener
                    ExtractMicroBaseVisitor visitor = new ExtractMicroBaseVisitor();
                    int t = visitor.visit(tree);
                    //for(String str : extractor.table.checkDuplicate()){
                    //    System.out.println("SHADOW WARNING " + str);
    }catch (IOException e) { 
                System.out.println("Not Accepted");
            }catch(IllegalArgumentException e){

This is my grammar file(partially): 这是我的语法文件(部分):

grammar Micro;

options {
  language = Java;

program           : ('PROGRAM' id 'BEGIN' pgm_body 'END')

id                : IDENTIFIER;
pgm_body          : (decl func_declarations);
decl          : (string_decl_list | var_decl_list)* ;

You have to call super if you want ANTLR4 to visit children. 如果你想要ANTLR4来探望孩子,你必须打电话给super Like this: 像这样:

public Integer visitPgm_body(@NotNull MicroParser.Pgm_bodyContext ctx){
    return 467;

public Integer visitProgram(@NotNull MicroParser.ProgramContext ctx){
    return 456;

You have to think about where to put your logic: before super or after. 你必须考虑把你的逻辑放在哪里: super之前或之后。

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